A goldenseal mix! Taste like shit but it does wonders. I was in and out of the doctor for years, now when I feel a cold coming on this knocks it out.

My favorite is called “kick ass immune” it’s a dropper into water. I mix it with a little water, take it like a shot and then chase it with a sip of juice.

Thanks everyone for your responses 🙏 It’s been really tough and I appreciate the outside perspective. We are taking space for some time now to think things through… it’s been tough so far but I didn’t realize how much I needed the space till I got it

My fiancé (34m) is sometimes verbally abusive and angry towards me (28f) when drunk. Can this change?

This is not common for him, and we used to drink all the time together and have a blast(go to festivals etc.). Every so often, if there is an argument, he takes it to another level.

This weekend, he for the first time was SO mean to me for no reason at all. There was no fight and it came out of nowhere saying how embarrassed he is to be with me/ how much he hates me/ how he regrets proposing etc. We have been together in a great relationship for 6 years and are best friends, but I’m worried this is going to get worse and is a deal breaker.

He doesn’t remember a word that he said and has been devastated. I had him stay at an Airbnb until I have time to think this through because I’ve been in abusive relationships in the past and am very scared it’s happening again. I’m not sure if this is something that can change or if this is common or forgivable behavior.

Very serious… this is not normal and I’m sorry about this. I know you care about him but girl you have to take care of yourself. This is terrible of him and I’m very sorry. Good luck!

Thanks! I thought about this too, and I do definitely want counseling. I just know I’ve said things I meant 0% while drunk in the past so I feel like that’s not always the case… which is confusing.