I feel so crushed by his statement that I can barely move. We’ve been together for 3 years and I have only ever fluctuated 5lbs.

Prior to meeting him, I had gone from obese to fit and was so proud of myself. I’d been so proud that I was able to keep it off for all these years too!

I go to the gym everyday and eat right.

It breaks my heart to know that he has to give his sexual energy to other women instead of me because I’m not attractive enough.

What’s going to happen if I get pregnant or lose a limb? Will he use this as an excuse to seek other women?

I’m trying to get the motivation to get up and continue working on myself etc..but I feel so awful.

Can someone give me a pep talk?

Edit: Thank you guys sooooo much for your support!!! I’m overwhelmed by the volume of kind and thoughtful replies and am still working on catching up with you all! You did give me a little pep in my step, just knowing my feelings about this are valid and I’m not overreacting. I am a bit isolated, so just having any support at all means more than I can express here! THANK YOU for helping me open my eyes! Now I just have to figure out how to navigate this…ugh so overwhelming.

For those that keep asking: I am 5’0 and weigh 117. When we met, I was 112. My highest weight was 165, but I’ve been under 117 for the last 6 years with no looking back.

It is so important to me to stay attractive to him and take care of myself. I just thought I was crushing it all this time lol so it was shocking and heartbreaking to hear. I can’t unhear it and I have to wake up in this body every morning, ugh.

Anyway, just trying to make sure I get a big THANK YOU out, as it might take me a minute to get to all of your kind messages! Ty again!