I know how it sounds, but genuinely I did not see it this way. I had pictures from 2018/2019 of my ex in my phone, but I am one of those people who do not really go through my camera roll, and a lot of these pictures were mixed in with graduation pics, prom pics, etc. I have 10,000 photos, by the way. My boyfriend discovered this and asked me to delete them. I said okay I’ll do it right now, and he started cussing me out saying I’m a weird female. I tried explaining to him that I haven’t even looked at these pictures in years, and he just called me a liar. He packed his things and left and came home at midnight. Well I got up at 6am to get ready for school and he tried to have sex with me. I told him maybe tonight and he got very cold with me. It ended up being a fight and him leaving me again, saying he’s still upset about the pictures. Thoughts on this? I don’t know how to feel but I am very confused. I am 22F and my boyfriend is 27M.