my only legit constructor died because somehow he decided it was the best time to wander near the mech and got one shot

Protip: Set up allowed zones to stop your colonists from wandering outside your base when you don't want them to

So they can still walk when the Imperial tribute collector shows up

Jurassic Park 3 is a not great movie about a group of people trying to get off an island overrun by dinosaurs after they got stranded there because a couple of parents were desperate to find their kid.

Jurassic Park 2 is a not great movie about a group of people trying to get off an island overrun by dinosaurs after they were stranded there because their expedition to capture some of the dinos was sabotaged, and even though they go out of their way to rescue their saboteurs, the movie tries to pretend the saboteurs are the good guys.

They have a guy on the next map tile over with a pair of binoculars.

Enough is just slighty less than too much, and you can never have too much coffee.

The ZuZu bus might just be a temporary service while the train station is out of service

Not only are they in a school, but Ruby skipped two years. They could've had the teachers doing refreshers to make sure everyone's on the same page with Ruby asking extra questions about stuff from the years she skipped.

FS22: PC-User

Are you giving them straw?

Is the manure heap close enough to the barn?

Reminds me of the old fanfic XSGCOM.

The Commander of XCOM found out the hard way that the sarcophagus had undone his vasectomy.

The same artist also had one where shoplifting a bunch of art supplies was supposed to be good because... reasons

They're the same Hoid. He's kinda important to the Cosmere. He also shows up in The Stormlight Archive books.

That's a QoL feature intended for the 4th-generation Stargates.

They're explaining the "somehow" in "Somehow, Palpatine returned."

It gave me Horimiya vibes (though the fanservice kept it from being as wholesome,

At the risk of having an unpopular opinion... Hori's habit of getting Miyamura to indulge her masochism fetish in public, disregarding the way it can make him come across as scummy and abusive, makes their relationship less wholesome than than Marin and Wakana.

"When life gives you water, make combustible water." - Cave Johnson, probably.

Coeur Al'Aran's In Your Wildest Dreams manages to make it work. In this version, Gretchen was a student at Beacon and Oz tried to recruit her into his inner circle. She died on an off the books mission that was supposed to be a test, Oz tried to cover it up, and Hazel was shown emails between Oz and Qrow talking about it by an anonymous "friend" (probably Watts)

Some guy with a handheld phase shouldnt be able to do much.

TBF, they did also take explosives. It's just that they were also stupid and gave all the bombs to that idiot red shirt who deployed his chute too late and flew into the giant death beam.

Season 3. When the crew of the Discoball meet up with Future Starfleet, ~~God~~ Emperor ~~Mary-Sue~~ Georgiou disables the hologram interrogating her by blinking at it in a super special pattern.

Which, combined with some of her other feats, has to make one wonder if the people in the writer's room weren't secretly mainlining some Imperial Terran supremacist propaganda in between writing sessions. 😜

Discovery established that holograms can be disabled by blinking at them funny, hence organic crews are still needed as backups.

And she was six or seven when she got assimilated.

During the late 2340s, they took Annika, then aged four, along with them. They spent a good deal of time aboard the Raven in search of the Borg. (VOY: "Dark Frontier)") One memorable event Annika shared aboard the vessel during their three year trek was the celebration of her sixth birthday: her birthday cake, at the time, had six candles, with one to grow on. (VOY: "The Raven)")

The Hansons brought her 1-year old daughter to their Borg explorations (what the hell !),

She was four when they took the Raven out of Fed space. I know, that's not better, just pointing it out for accuracy.

Naomi Wildmans parents are also rarely seen.

TBF, her dad wasn't part of Voyager's crew.

Diane Muldaur, who played Dr. Pulaski had previously been in a couple of TOS episodes. (Return to Tomorrow and Is There in Truth No Beauty)

It's an aspirational title not a literal description