One last RWBY rant because Rooster Teeth has officially shut their doors and there isn't any word so far if anyone has bought the IP. This might be it folks! What will we do without the core pillar of our community that is ranting about a mediocre web series?

(Rant time)

Jaune is a man who was so obsessed and enamored with being a huntsman that he went out of his way to fake credentials and sneak into the top huntsman academy. It is his life's dream to be a huntsman and he apparently comes from a long line of monster hunters. He took the family sword and presumably ran away from home because he was so desperate to make his dream come true. Alright so we've established what Jaune's ultimate goal in life is. So why is it that he seems to know absolutely nothing about the basic huntsman lifestyle or even the world around him.

During initiation we get a very surreal scene where Pyrrha asks Jaune why he isn't using his aura. When Jaune gets confused over the concept of aura, Pyrrha instead of freaking the fuck out over their being a untrained civilian in a combat zone, calmly explains the concept of aura like it's normal a grown man doesn't know what aura is. Pyrrha unlocks his aura and the show moves on. (I'm not even gonna try to understand why everyone doesn't get their aura unlocked from birth. I don't care if it attracts Grimm or not it's a free forcefield that gives you superhuman powers. There is no downside.)

A person born and raised from a line of huntsman. Who lives in a world where huntsman are not uncommon and seem to be public figures. Where mere trainees like Pyrrha get sponsorship deals and are famous enough for people from other continents to know of her. With all this working for him Jaune has gone his whole life without any knowledge of aura.


If we move past that his character gets stranger! Okay, so he achieves his dream of making it into Beacon and finally gets his chance to prove what he's really made of to the world. So naturally he makes no effort of his own to improve his combat ability and sleeps in class because why would Jaune have interest in being a huntsman, we haven't established anything to imply he has interest in the topic after all. I think he was expecting everyone around him to do his work and make excuses for him. He's not even entirely wrong seeing as Pyrrha goes out of her way to help him for no real reason.

Jaune goes out of his way to hit on Weiss who had clearly rejected him multiple times. He calls her nicknames, plays music outside her door, and won't take no for an answer. That's not creepy at all to be so obsessed with someone who he had maybe a few minutes of hostile interaction with. Beside Jaune being a frigging weirdo he says he grew up with SEVEN sisters! Wouldn't he have the slightest inkling on how to interact with a woman considering that backstory detail. Nothing about this guy adds up!

Jaune is and always has been a tumor on RWBY and is the epitome of every issue that plagued the show from start to finish. Good riddance.