I realized that Hazel is a damn hypocrite, not only is he a very flat antagonist but his motivations seem more like the tantrums of a spoiled child since he blames Ozpin for his sister's death and since we don't know much about Hazel's sister. Hazel I can't say much and I can assume that she was just a simple hunter and I understand that he is angry but it seems that he is only looking to point out a culprit instead of accepting that his sister died in the line of duty and I don't want to imagine what he would have done if His sister Elegia became a police officer and died because of some criminal Hazel, who would he blame the police officers or the criminals and if he chose to be a firefighter and died in a fire, who would he blame the fire or the fire department and I think he had a lot of time to realize He says that his sister would disapprove of his actions, something that is not touched on in the program until the end of this character. In the second point he says that Ozpin sends children to die but I wonder if Salem is not doing the same because how many children died in the attack on Vale and how many children died in Atlas without counting that he works with a murderer who would kill children without problems and we have cinder who was trained by salem since she was young and let mercury and emerald 2 young people to send them on dangerous missions almost the same thing that ozpin does and maybe worse and what bothers me is that no one in the program tells her that He is a damn hypocrite and let him die like a hero.