
Iron mountain is also an indigenous name that was given to a popular mountain in the Phoenix area.

Best to check back in the winter.

Woah, how was the mask transition?

Lil Sebastian for the win!

Was gonna say it's probably a toss up between Ron & Andy, even though I wouldn't choose either of them.

Thanks for the rec. I think I was getting this confused with a movie on Netflix I scroll by with a similar title, but you're description intrigued me.

"Should the opportunity present itself" and practice safe sex, OP! Or make out or whatever you feel like doing, it's your life, just that safety measures.

Divorce rate isn't so high because of sex and not everyone views sex as "sacred", that's your opinion.

I went back twice to fix chrome that chipped less than 2 days and then again 3 days later and they fixed it both for free. It chipped again and I decided not to get chrome again. Not sure if it was because of the tech.

Looks delish especially with that tofu :p

I signed up for them, but haven't heard anything yet. I want to go to at least one match. It would be a dream!

The one I got at Costco (Sonicare) just died completely and it wasn't even 4 years that I had it. Tried buying a new base and it wouldn't charge. RIP.

I think I'll try Oral B now

The water makes me think of the Wonder Twins, one would turn into a pail of water, I think they were part of the Super Friends.

Was really hoping they would get another season or two, too bad.

I'm looking forward to making this. All of your recipes are delicious! TY!

I was on one of the islands in the San Juans up in Washington State and got to kayak with this stuff. It was definitely special.

I'm interested too. All of my cats have always just been "cat" until one random mixed cat I had had more of a smooshed face and was extra sweet and sorta trained. I've been wondering what she was mixed with. My sweet baby girl, I miss her so much every day.

Yeah, it didn't feel like the same show.

It was my favorite show at the time when it started and then too many seasons and the last one was just not that great. I do like that Jerry got a happy ending, but in my opinion it should've ended at 6.

Thanks! I've been wanting to see what I'd look like with different hair color and styles and can't find anything that would help.

Same here. I now feel fortunate that I'm able to live alone and fear having to get roommates and don't know how to manage if I were to move in with a partner, ideally it'd be like a duplex type thing or have our own rooms + a shared room, but not in this economy.