That’s real easy to say when you haven’t been sitting in a cell for 10+ years. There is a very good chance I would take an Alford plea even if I were innocent if it meant I could go home to my family.

How bout the fact that the state offered an Alford plea deal. That pretty much sealed it for me. You think the state does that when they are convinced they have three child killers locked up? The only reason it was an Alford is because the state was unwilling to simply say they screwed up.

Monkey in Space

Too bad it’s bullshit

Why am I not surprised by his short stature 😂😂

Monkey in Space

Because he believes waaaaaaay too much of what he sees online without doing research.

Wow. When I first saw Stand By Me I didn’t think there was a chance there would be a movie to compete but my goodness did you find one. I don’t think I can pick

I’ve never seen a game have such angry players that CONTINUE TO PLAY THE GAME.

How does he not get sick of constantly throwing a pity party?

Is the Christiana fire company all volunteer? I ask because that firehouse is BUSY! All day long I hear their sirens.

Try being colorblind and telling similar shades apart