Even disregarding Jessie’s initial confession, how do you explain his other, completely unprompted confessions? Also like I’m sure most people here know, Damien’s troubles were so much more serious than the media or any pro 3 sources ever let on. He was unstable and violent, an animal killer who even his parents were terrified by. He was definitely in the midst of very weird alternative practices. Was he explicitly a satanist? I’m not sure, but he pretty much checked all the signs of a young psychopath, displayed a clear propensity for disgusting violence, and had a pretty clear motive (sacrifice) that TH didn’t have.

I understand having some doubt, and I admittedly am not as familiar with the case as a lot of people here probably are, but to those who are so strongly convinced of their innocence, why? Is it because of the HBO documentary or actual evidence and research?

I think a lot of people, on the internet especially, view this case through the narrative they are spoonfed by celebrities and the media, of Christian oppression and overreach crushing three goofy edgy teens and fall for Damien’s superficial charm (as most psychopaths have) and want to believe the narrative is what happened.