100% agree, I had someone join my Rhulk group last night stating they had never run vow and had no idea how to do rhulk after we load in, he immediately asked if he could just sit back and ad clear, his damage was horrific and he kept eating revives so I booted him but Pantheon is NOT to learn.

The difference is not knowing what to do and willing to learn versus not knowing what to do and just want to "clear ads". I have zero problem teaching someone that WANTS to learn, but if you join my group, say you dont know what to do so you're clearing ads, I'm likely going to boot you.

Rofl it clearly has you flustered mate!

Fuck that piece of shit. Like someone else said, report to DNR, you'd be surprised how many cameras MDOT has all over the state.

Calm down man its the internet

Reagan Conservative

Probably never said two words to them yet called them “white nationalist trash”

The liberal way, afraid of confrontation.

Go do LFG Explicator, tell two randys to ad clear and come back after you've been melted while running nodes.

Mostly going to be wind however last time I said that Portage got decimated. Always be prepared :)

I dont really care, its the internet, it doesnt impact my daily life

The hard part wont be her health, it'll be consistently doing her mechanics and not getting brutalized by the ads.


The company I work with works hand in hand with the NWS. I chase severe weather for a living (tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, heat waves etc.) Obviously there are people way more knowledgeable than myself, nobody should take mine, or really anyone else's word for gospel.

I absolutely hate it when climate change is used as the main factor for weather changes, it's A factor, not THE factor. It does exist, not saying it doesnt. With how volatile people are in 2024 doing this just ends up politicizing it which is even more toxic and why people dont think climate change exists.

I dont really care if you think it's lazy, thats my opinion, just as you have yours.

Build up of cooler sub surface waters in the pacific


Can tell you to that Michigan is expected to have more "severe" storms this summer, not in frequency though, but in intensity. Eventually you're going to have low pressure systems collide with high pressure systems that are moving so slow over the state (US in general), this will create some pretty nasty storms I do think, however I think you'll see a lower number on average this year.

I'd watch out the next two days though, I think Michigan has a pretty moderate risk for strong storms which include tornados. A great tool to use is NOAA's website https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/ where you can see exactly what the forecast is as far as severe weather goes, they're right more than they're wrong and they're also right way more than I am.

Please bare in mind that I am not a meteorologist though and those people are WAY better at predicting than I am, I just work with assessing severe weather.

It would be wrong to throw away the fact climate change exists, it does, but it is not the sole reason for major weather changes, at least not right now. Like you said, Earth does her thing, she has for billions of years, she'll be here long after we are gone. I do think climate change has a small percentage in the change of weather (ie temperature), I just hate when people think it's the only reason and try to base a narrative around it and even worse, politicize it.

Dont worry, we'll see a 100 degree day and they'll freak out and say its climate change when in reality its the slow moving winds of this La Nina/El Nino cycle.


You're right and wrong. The company I work with works with the NWS. You'll see intense hurricanes this year as well as a fairly hot summer (but this I mean you're going to see long periods of time where high pressure systems are sitting on top of the area baking it with little to no relief) , but this is mostly due to the extraordinary slow La Nina that is about to take place, it is also why this next winter will be brutal. Climate change exists, but to attribute it as the sole reason for intense weather is lazy..

Why do you people insist on living your life in fear, jesus christ it cat be enjoyable.

And how many stories do you hear of those places in Michigan assaulting people of color? I'll give you a hint, it's less than 0.5

I think the ads will be the LFG killer if Explicator is any indication. I can teach the mechanic fairly easily.