When I first heard of pantheon I was worried as I hadn’t done all of the raids present in the mode. At this point I had a basic understanding of most raids except for VoG, Vow, Crota, and DSC. When all the encounters leaked I was scared. Of them, this is the experience I had:

Golgoroth - I knew how to do damage

Caretaker - no clue

Planets - very familiar, I’m used to running

Atraks- I did this once years ago and forgot nearly everything

Oryx - I was intricately familiar, I also find it one of the easiest raid encounters ever

Rhulk - no clue

Nezerac - I know how to do add clear and damage with an idea on how to run but I’ve not done it before

Now I thought I was so cooked and that I wouldn’t be able to do Pantheon and that people would be kicking me from groups left and right but that’s was not my experience at all. I have done the first 3 weeks up to this point and I’ve found it very fun, exciting, and engaging the whole time, even if it can be frustrating when teammates simply don’t have good damage options, choose not to switch to them, or die too much and burn through rez tokens. I’ve learned how to do gaze for golgoroth, run for caretaker, one phase Atraks, and read for and cheese Rhulk all in Pantheon. I haven’t always been a super active player but I have some of the most meta weapons in the game and I understand how raid mechanics work and can pick them up easily, as well as hold my own weight while surviving and providing damage or utility for my team. Pantheon absolutely can be a place to learn if you’re willing to do so and are capable of it. People who say pantheon is not a place to learn are referring to people whose best gun is the thunderlord and always claim add clear while running double primary.