Help a M25 out! :)Advice

Saw a thread saying you should get IOs and IAs + EE done /somewhat outlined and easy to plug in to finish during the summer if ur junior going into senior year. Any tips on doing this? I took yr 11 HL chem and My teacher said we need to approve the topic with them before we begin… should I just find a generic topic on the internet and base my stuff a little off of that in the meantime? Also any resources u guys have in preparing for The IOs and IAs? Ex like the official criteria?


How do We get started on our IOs/IAs? I dont know if my teacher as posted the resources yet for them. For example I took gr 11 chem this year and have 12 next year where we do the actual IA, but I think I’m supposed to get my topic approved by the teacher based on laboratory resources available in class unless I can find a list of pre approved IA topics

Hi Op! I just wanted to check in to see how it’s been going. I am here because I have a similar experience. :(

je suis pas francophone/quebecois mais je peux parler un peu - ce type de typo est traditionnelle entre les francopho?

Congratulations. Goodluck on this journey. Whatever you take on I think you’ll have picked the right path ☺️

Congratulations!! I’m a gr 11, looking to follow your same route so I’ll probably be asking this sometime soon too based on acceptances lol. Just wondering what were ur stats and did U have to take that test that high schoolers need to apply to med schools in UK? Also did the Canadian unis consider your extraucrurlars/supplemental?? I heard Ontario for the most part never looks at activites so it sort of got me down

Grade 11!

Hey y’all! Just looking for some encouragement. I think I’m following my predicted of getting a 4 in physics and all of this year my grades of 95s from grade 10 and 9 have dropped to like 80s and some even 70s like in math :( I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I really want to get a good final total of something around 38 ~ 40 and I need to get at least 3 7’s 😭 any advice?? Did anyone go through a similar experience through trying hard and not finding results? trust me I’ve done all my searching over the internet and with physical resources like tutors etc but nothing seems to be giving that spark

Nono sorry that came out unclear - so far I’ve done about like all the paper 3s from the past 5 years (??) and all of the paper 2 dating back to 2019. Just worried that I’ll start unintentionally memorizing the paths for questions and then it stumps me on the actual exam when I’m given something new. Sorry if that sounds dumb

Hey man do you have any tips for Physics? I’m taking SL so it’s a little different but I think my predicted is a 4 and I really want to do better on the exam (which is in less than 48 hours oof)… I’ve always studied the content but I guess it doesn’t stick in applications where I need to sort it out. Sorry for the packed question !!!

Does anyone have unique tips for HL history and English (not the generic you’d see first thing when you search on Google plzlzllzlz)Group 3

Literlaly had 98’s last year and English and history used to be my safe courses where I could know they’d have my back but I got 88 in English and like 92 in HL history.. tips?


Hey guys! I want to become a family physician. So would you recommend BScN regardless? Are you saying nursing would be a job if I don’t get into med school? (Gr 11)

I checked the websites but from my experience it doesn’t explicitly state .. do u have an idea of what section it’d be under? I will prob try calling or emailing them Edit: also thanks for the advice - you’re right. Lots of rumours go around my school

Ontario Uni ExtracurricularAdvice

Hey y’all, do Ontario universities look at extracurriculars/certifications etc in part to the application? I heard it’s only from grades and I am doing Full IB where my grades have flopped from 95’s in grade 9 and 10 to 70s and 80s. I want to get into health sciences, but I’m scared about my grades and I was hoping for my ecs to help a little bit as I try to rise my grades, but apparently they don’t look at all !!!! ( according to students gr 12 I’ve talked to)