I’m hardly in this subreddit but whenever I am all I hear about is drama

Does this seem legit?
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Does this seem legit?
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Why do mobile game ads lose on purpose?

This one may be a little petty, but I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more infuriating! And I don’t even know why. It in no way makes me want to play the game, and I know I’m not the only one cuz I see comments complaining all the time. It’s so obnoxious I can’t even describe. JUST PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY! I’d probably play half of these if they didn’t have such braindead advertising.

My question is why? There’s no way it actually works because like I said before, I’m not in the minority with this. Lol.

Multiverse of Madness. Like, man, something was there, but it was so overblown by everything else.

Ride Figment in Epcot. Ride Pirates in Magic. Go on Rise in Hollywood. Ride Dinosaur in Animal.

Taskmaster. At least Gorr had some cool moments. But I was so excited to see how they portrayed Taskmaster and they butchered everything.

Rainwings are like the Airbenders in avatar. If they weren’t pacifists, they’d be effing people’s shit up for days.

Twenty treadmills and one bench press. Dude, SOME PEOPLE WANNA LIFT WEIGHTS!


Poem thing I made, hope ya’ll like it!

Treadmill. By T.T. Welch.

*Can I run for eternity? How stubborn can I be? Do I dare slow; do I dare falter? At every roadblock must I shatter? At every disaster must I weep? Beyond the horizon my destination awaits, but until I arrive my indomitability must keep.

But if I could slow and forget it all, if my mind could calm and allow me release, would my stomach keep turning? Would my heart keep breaking?

In every moment I am allowed peace, I like to wonder what the trees would tell me if they could speak. Would their beauty translate into comfort? Would their age indicate infinite wisdom?

Down highways, through farmlands and lonely mountains. Always alone, but away from it all. If the grass were alive I’d rest upon it, accepting its warm, prickly hugs. Are the deer tortured by their minds? Or the vicious bear? Down to the tiniest prey? Do the stars watch me from up above? Do they pity or do they mock? Do they pray for my aid, or do they cheer for my downfall? Can I run. Can I run, please?

If I run will every corner I turn be as sharp as the last? Will its deathly points draw blood? Don’t blow it. I cannot blow it. What are cowards?

Am I a coward if I run? Am I weak if I beg for ease? Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing. Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing. Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing.

Am I just living on a treadmill? If so, how do I turn it off?*

If you read, thank you for your time!


Poem thing I made, hope ya’ll like it!

Treadmill. By T.T. Welch.

*Can I run for eternity? How stubborn can I be? Do I dare slow; do I dare falter? At every roadblock must I shatter? At every disaster must I weep? Beyond the horizon my destination awaits, but until I arrive my indomitability must keep.

But if I could slow and forget it all, if my mind could calm and allow me release, would my stomach keep turning? Would my heart keep breaking?

In every moment I am allowed peace, I like to wonder what the trees would tell me if they could speak. Would their beauty translate into comfort? Would their age indicate infinite wisdom?

Down highways, through farmlands and lonely mountains. Always alone, but away from it all. If the grass were alive I’d rest upon it, accepting its warm, prickly hugs. Are the deer tortured by their minds? Or the vicious bear? Down to the tiniest prey? Do the stars watch me from up above? Do they pity or do they mock? Do they pray for my aid, or do they cheer for my downfall? Can I run. Can I run, please?

If I run will every corner I turn be as sharp as the last? Will its deathly points draw blood? Don’t blow it. I cannot blow it. What are cowards?

Am I a coward if I run? Am I weak if I beg for ease? Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing. Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing. Spinning. Buzzing. Twisting. Crumbling. Collapsing.

Am I just living on a treadmill? If so, how do I turn it off?*

If you read, thank you for your time!

:Puff4: Hufflepuff

The Harry Potter books are masterpieces in their own right. They have flaws, yes, I’d be a fool to deny that, but I’ve read thousands of books in my lifetime, and no matter how good any of them were, I’ve still never read anything like Harry Potter.

The narrative is that people can’t stand to enjoy anything written by J.K. Rowling now, so they blindly criticize the books, throwing all context and logic out the window and framing their arguments as fact, whereas they’re actually very flawed if you have the full story under your belt.

Like I said, the books have flaws, but so does every other book in existence, no matter how good. The fact that only Harry Potter gets flack for it is utterly ridiculous, but here we are.

I’ve watched loads of supposed, ‘criticisms,’ of Harry Potter on YouTube, and not to put myself up or anything, but I imagine I’d be to put down 90% of the arguments they make just by citing something that was clearly stated in the books. But to people not as familiar with the series, it’s a bit like a bonk on the head.

I think the comments fail to realize this person isn’t stating: “Most hateable in history.” As a fact, they’re expressing their opinion.

I have to disagree, personally, I think it looks just as good, if not better than splash mountain. While I can agree with the story thing, everything else seems solid imo. But to each their own as they say.