
r/annoyed50 subscribers
I know it’s stupid butFamily Issue

Sorry for the rant. TL;DR at bottom.

(I am 18M)

About a month ago, my dad was planning vacation stuff for us and one of the things involved visiting his cousin.

I agreed on the basis that I should probably just be out for and that I don’t like to disappoint people (I guess I’m sort of a pushover). But I can probably count the number of times I met his cousin on one hand. (We live in the US and our family is scattered about the states)

They mean no more to me than some stranger at a bus stop.

Anyway, the point of this is, a friend of ours invited me and my brother to a party during one of the dates we’d be out of state, meaning if I had a choice, I could do only one or the other.

Tbh, I kinda want to go to the party more than I want to be with his family since, as I said before, I hardly know her, and I really don’t think I’d be doing anything worthwhile. Just the same things I normally do, just in a different setting.

But I don’t want to be a dick by changing my mind since I already agreed to go I guess. I know I’m an adult and I don’t have to do what my parents say (to a reasonable degree of course since I live under their roofs), but I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

If you got this far, sorry for my whining.

TL;DR Visiting family that I have no emotional connection to later this month and was invited to hang out with friends/at a party during the time I’d be gone.


Farts. Get over it.

Why do mobile game ads lose on purpose?

This one may be a little petty, but I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more infuriating! And I don’t even know why. It in no way makes me want to play the game, and I know I’m not the only one cuz I see comments complaining all the time. It’s so obnoxious I can’t even describe. JUST PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY! I’d probably play half of these if they didn’t have such braindead advertising.

My question is why? There’s no way it actually works because like I said before, I’m not in the minority with this. Lol.

Condoms locked up at stores Company

Every store I go to has the condoms locked up now Expically Walmart. You gotta find someone and ask them to unlock the cage and no one ever has the key so you gotta wait and wait for someone to unlock it for you and then they have to walk you up to the register. It’s a $5 box of condoms not a $1,000 computer are you really that worried about people stealing condoms. I know plenty of guys who would see that they are locked up and just walk out and not get any and go about their business condomless. It’s just really annoying having to find someone to unlock condoms and it’s gonna cause some bigger issues with people not wearing them because they have to ask and find someone.


I’m getting annoyed with my roommate. He is on the spectrum. He gets mad/triggered really easly and always has issues. An example he hates glitter which I did not know. I bought a body glitter roll on to use for an upcoming event. I showed his gf and she liked it. He said “I don’t like glitter” and I tried to show up it’s not regular glitter. It’s the type that sticks to the body. He got upset and left the room. Then today he said I triggered violence in him. I feel that’s a him problem. He refuses to go see the Dr to get help. He is a function autistic person. He hasn’t been officially diagnosed but I can tell he is. He is stubborn as hell. And if shit doesn’t go his way he throws a fit.. this is something I can not deal with. He constantly uses his “I have adhd, I’m on the spectrum” to justify his shitty behavior. Finding out you have issues doesn’t mean you no longer have to try to be. Better person. It means you can learn how to navigate yourself better in situations from before. I want to tell him to off. Now he doesn’t even try to be decent.

Things I hate.

When people call you, you can’t answer cause you’re not just waiting for them. Then give you attitude when you call them back. Alright.

Treated differentlyLife Problems

Has anybody else always been judged or treated differently for doing the same things other people do? Been fed up for years of people telling me I kill jokes or look weird doing things but then as soon as someone else does it, it’s hilarious or cool. Just wonder by if anyone else has had that?


How in the hell do I remove the NSFW content I keep seeing ? I see enough of it on twitter gahh damnn

Annoyed w/ reddit

Had a post removed because my account is new and it didn't say it was a throw away... I didn't want a throw away!

I hate when people come to my house unannounced even if it’s family

I’m so annoyed my aunt and her boyfriend came to my house unannounced today before I start work. She wants to give me her hutch since she doesn’t have room , I said ok. She told me she needs her boyfriend to see if it will fit , so I told her to let me know when they will stop by. That was last week , so today she shows up unannounced with her boyfriend and wakes me up from my sleep. I work night shift so I sleep during the day.

I was so annoyed , I was rude but I don’t care honestly I think it’s rude to show up to someone’s house and say open it without letting me know in advance. She knows I don’t like her boyfriend to, so I really don’t see why she thought it was ok. I told her later that it was rude and she told me I was rude to . I’m sorry that’s not the point , you came unannounced with your boyfriend when I’m asleep, I feel like that’s more rude . I could have been nicer but I don’t feel I’m in the wrong.

Attn yyc preachers

To the couple of preachers that came up to my parked car while I was in my driveway. FUCK YOU. My poor little baby struggles to sleep from a bad cold and we go for car rides so he can get a snooze in. These two fucks came up to my car and started loudly talking to me about Jesus through the window and even when I told them I have a sleeping baby they said they wanted to finish off their speech. He woke up startled and now his whole day is thrown off. Fuck you from the bottom of my heart. Jesus has a special place in hell just for you.
Sincerely, an exhausted mom.

ppl should genuinely not talk sometimes.

i hate when ppl feel like they need to tell me stuff abt ppl i don’t talk to anymore or ppl that have screwed me over majorly. like especially if i really don’t like that person and they tell me anyways. and even more especially when they know i don’t i don’t fw that person and they still tell me what they’re up to and what they think abt that person. i really try to not wish the worst for ppl but it’s so hard when they derserve it

my roommate annoyed me

lets call her roommate #1. over a few months ago, roommate 1 ruined one of my kitchen supplies. i overheard her telling the story of how she did it to roommate #2, roommate #3, and then two of her friends. every time she told the story she mentioned how she "felt so bad" and that she would "buy me a new one". funny enough, that same day when we were in the kitchen, she walked past me like nothing happened lol.

fast forward to today (i want to see how long she would go without saying anythign), i finally brought it up to her and she just shrugs it off like "oh yeah ill buy you a new one tomorrow".

it wasn't anything serious, but had she told me the story that same day i would've laughed along and forgave her. i hated the fact that she acted apologetic to everyone EXCEPT me. performative bitch.


Reddit is a joke. I can’t post anything to any platforms unless I build up my account. How else would I build up my account if you aren’t allowing me to post??????

Narcissist Ex

Narcissistic people are the absolute worst. They will leave you traumatized, broke and questioning your self worth. Fuck men who abuse women in any form.