It’s worth mentioning that they introduce themselves saying “be not afraid” because biblically accurate angels look like hundreds of eyes and wings on gold rings. I don’t think there are cute angels in any accepted mortal sense of the word “cute” (not judging anyone that is into that kind of thing, of course.)

I see you’ve played knifey spoony before!

Just a guess here, but shadow work deals with a lot of introspection. Some methods of doing this can look or sound a lot like magic or “the dark arts.” mirror meditations or using reflection pools can look a lot like scrying, Jung’s methods sound a lot like seeking counsel from a higher power. Considering people thought DND was part of the occult for a long while, I’m not surprised people mistake self improvement with devil worship.

I don’t go to bed for the night in clothes unless it’s shorts and a shirt. That being said, there’s nothing better than a jeans-on-nap in the evening.

“Did you know that persistent yawning is an early sign of potential impending hypoxia? I better go get checked at the hospital. You can handle todays workload without me, right?”

Depends on the situation but generally speaking I’d have to say respect. Not the kind of “respect” you would “earn” or show to a superior, but the kind that shows the other you view them as a human being.

“You need to earn my respect” is bullshit. Respect is given until I’m given a reason not to respect you.

Hypothesis 1 is immediately shut down by my Minecraft server allowing me to be social with real people via gaming and my addiction to beat saber shuts down the lazy part…although it does give hypothesis 2…

I’m gonna guess most of the time yes. It’s a way to protect the fragile ego from those insecurities of not feeling good enough. Men do it too, in different ways. But personally, when I say “I’m not like other guys” I mean it in the sense that I am not a hard ass, assertive, “don’t tell me what to do” type. This doesn’t mean I’m “better.” To me it just means we go about things differently, with each method having pros and cons. To take this further, Every “method” is either compatible or non-compatible with another “method” and so there is no such thing as “not good enough” for someone, but rather “not the right fit” for that individual.

Introspection is messy work, but I think it could benefit a lot of people with insecurities. Carl Jung’s work regarding the internal family structure and shadow work are good research points to start.

P.S. do not tell her this directly using “you” language.(ex. “I think you should ____.) as this can seem like an attack.

Definitely doesn’t feel good to be compared to others. And I’m honestly surprised there wasn’t more backlash from OP saying “you are literally the same”

“If I don’t, how will I know I’d regret it?”

“I’ll try anything once.”

“What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Inaction is the seed of regret.”

When I was younger I would frequently get “you have nice eyes” a lot. Now that work life has made me look dead inside I’m told “you’ve got a warm, gentle touch” Which I kind of appreciate more than “nice eyes”

“Don’t get mad at me! A seemingly instructional video labeled ‘measuring units’ absolutely sounds like it belongs in a class room…”

That number is obviously just a suggestion. You can eat as many spiders as you’d like!