:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

Well, I don't have one... but my starter wasn't your typical starter - does that count? ;P

:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

It's beautiful to see these Pokemon in the wild, I've never had the opportunity - they rarely appear here

:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

What if the pokeball becomes self-aware and eats the pokemon?


I remember once reading a theory that each Pokemon is "reset" in the Pokeball and a copy appears every time it is thrown. In a sense, it's the same Pokemon - but not.

Maybe I'll find a link...It's hard to find, but it was based on the Star Trek teleportation theory.

Link (but not the pokeball one)

:181:Electric Type:738:

This may be difficult, but I will try to shorten it as much as I can (my English is not the best)

Lycanroc Midday Form - great sense of smell, extremely fast and agile - and, trusting the descriptions in the Pokedex, extremely loyal

Vikavolt/Ampharos-Both have electricity capable of charging e.g. a phone, and Ampharos can also be very helpful in the dark

Meganium- Not even as a starter, but as a Pokemon (e.g. caught in the wild) - It is able to heal and calm down other Pokemon, and its size even allows it to be ridden (I don't remember what the size was in the anime, but I think I saw a similar fanart once)

Torkoal-The anime shows that you can easily bake various things on it, it would be great in places where you can't light a fire

Any Pokemon that has the ability to fly and is large enough to be ridden. This can be quite useful.

And if I had to actually choose one of these...it's a tough choice- but I think Ampharos or Meganium, both are my favorites in terms of design.

I even had a strange idea for a name for the Chikorita line- Hyacinth, based on an old British comedy "Keeping Up Appearances" where there was a woman with that name... it's stupid - but once I accidentally associated these two things and it stuck. I need to use this in gameplay sometime.

As for Ampharos...the queen. I don't know why, I named this Pokemon that once and it also stuck.

:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

How did you get Shiny Pokemon?

:181:Electric Type:738:

Nice that there is another person who likes gen 8 (unless I misunderstood your post, which is possible)

if you like sun and moon very much, choose it (personally I prefer sun and moon more than usum)

but if I have to recommend something to you - try gen 3

When I was still playing, I never did archeology - I couldn't bring myself to do it

I'm a normal guy, so Dark Bay or Light Grey... or at least that's how it was when I played the game.

It's a pity there weren't more "Dark Bay" horses

As people above said, it's a bug that's been around for a few months now - you don't actually get banned. There's nothing to worry about

I haven't played Star Stable for a long time (I don't even have an account anymore) but I love Dark Bay horses, it's a pity that there were so few of them in sso.

However, apart from this coat, I love Light Grey, my starter was an elegant "white" dressage horse with braids... I would like them to finally update these horses. They look weird compared to the new ones.

*although I generally prefer cartoonish horses to realism

School Of Dragons was surprisingly run by a very small team (and honestly, they did quite well)

however, some games just couldn't handle it anymore. SOD had an extremely outdated engine and it was visible. And the prices were not the lowest.

However, I loved this game - I remember when I completed all the quests and there was nothing left to do

Wiem, mi chodziło bardziej o zachowanie niż sam wiek. Widziałem multum "kidosów" z którymi nie dało się o niczym popisać i sami nie wiedzieli czy w końcu są trans czy nie bo wymyślali jakieś bzdury z tik toka. Chciałem po prostu poznać jakichś w miarę ogarniętych ludzi.

Oczywiście tym komentarzem nie chciałem nikogo urazić.

Ja po prostu chciałem znaleźć taką gdzie są starsze osoby, a mniej dzieciaków

To są te które o których udało mi się zdobyć informację, ale podejrzewałem że to coś za dużo ;)

Wiem, tu po prostu mała wieś, a ja już kiedyś miałem z tą kliniką problem. Dziękuję za odpowiedź! ;)

Dziękuję, tu po prostu jest mała wieś i wszyscy muszą wiedzieć wszystko, hah

(a miałem już kiedyś problem z tą kliniką) ale pożyjemy zobaczymy. Dziękuję za odpowiedź

:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

That's why I don't leave the house....

Bardzo dziękuję za odpowiedź. Wydaje mi się że kiedyś czytałem że na NFZ musisz podawać powody, ale najwidoczniej nie jest to prawdą.

Te badania które tutaj wypisałem niekoniecznie wszystkie muszą być konieczne, jednak i tak wolałem o nich wspomnieć. W każdym razie mogę jeszcze zrobić research

Considering that Horizons is a current Anime series, and Legends Z-A will be the newest game - there is a very high probability that they will somehow refer to it.

Unless I misunderstood the post

:181:Electric Type:738:

The one with the Unovns is great!

(I mean, it's a very good idea to change it to these Pokemon, it really fits)

:PokeBall:A guy who mainly just observes:ELE:

And doesn't it sometimes work that Mimikyu only gives nightmares to people it doesn't like? In other words, if a friendly person looks inside, nothing will happen to them.