M34. Depends on the weather and my physical activity. I almost never sweat. My hair doesn't like a lot of showers.

So usually 2-4 times week, with a maximum of 2 hair washings.

Wie wohl die Meinung der Leute wäre, wenn die Dänen ihn nicht vorm Tor umgetreten hätten und er locker von Havertz die Vorlage versengt hätte.

Porn: Nothing.

Mainstream movies: That sex is somehow difficult (as a man) or that there is a reason to be nervous.

Physically having sex is super easy. Super easy to get a woman to orgasm. Super easy to last long. Movies create pointless fearmongering.

Lieber den Titel gewinnen, als im Halbfinale zu versagen.

Falsch. Fast jeder hat damals gesagt das Deutschland der Favorit war. Brasilien ist nur mit viel Glück überhaupt so weit gekommen.

Spanien ist eher mit dem Frankreich vom Viertelfinale 2014 zu vergleichen. Ein sehr knappes & starkes Duell von dem der Sieger wahrscheinlich ins Finale kommt.

Race does influence your appearance and so has an influence on your physical attractiveness which is natural and not a problem.

Was it really the toughest group?

Croatia didn't even qualify and Italy got dominated by the Swiss.

:Germany: Germany

Because the 'rules of the game' allow it.

Feinting during the run up is permitted is literally written in them.

the player taking the penalty kick or a team-mate offends:

feinting to kick the ball once the kicker has completed the run-up (feinting in the run-up is permitted)

Antäuschen beim Anlauf ist ok.

Funny cause it is true 

Looking on reddit for a long term relationship is like looking for a baseball in an aquarium.

If someone is shitty towards you, you block them.

If someone isn't shitty, but you aren't interested, you tell them.

A person that ghosts other people is a piece of shit with a total lack of empathy and social skills.

You really want to get to know that sort of person? No. You can be glad they outed themselves as the trash they are.

"Eat more."

"I always eat so much."

"No, I don't believe you."

"I literally do. My metabolism is not normal, it was tested."

"No. Track your calories."

"I always track my calories. Here is my data that shows my daily surplus of at least 500 to 1k EVERY day"


Fuck you.

Yeah. Banned for 14 days on /Women for saying that men might go for foreign women because they prefer the person to have a different personality based on their cultural background.

Asked why and what rules I broke. Permabanned without response. Lmao.