It's a poison that makes you lose significant weight very fast. Also makes you uncomfortable and heats you up like crazy. People have died from hyperthermia

Idk why anyone would take dnp when you can get semiglutide and actually feel normal and lose weight at a healthy pace

It's not that they are stupid. They aren't trained on supplements and they generally have far fewer (if any) adequate studies demonstrating effectiveness against placebo. Some are relatively well researched, but most aren't

I think you handled it perfectly. Exactly how I would have

If you look at moreplatesmoredates he does an analysis (few years ago) and the study when converted to human doses was like 30-40mg a day which is not much higher than doses people use. Be aware it caused rapid development of cancer in multiple organs of nearly every mouse in the study. 100% not worth it imo

Just checking;) my friend just took and had the same question like 5 hours ago lmao. You prob passed. Don't stress :)

In ny , about to take the nclex but jobs out of the city are usually around 90k-100k starting and in city about 110k starting

I've traveled multiple times with bags of unidentified vitamins, herbs, amino acids, powders, etc. You'll be totally fine.

My body doesn't agree with Ritalin but Focalin works very well and is significantly better than Moda for me. The trick is to keep dosing low enough that it's just barely noticeable. If you take a big dosage chasing a "feeling" or high, the comedown can be unpleasant. Moda works but I definitely don't get any euphoria, just feels like a stronger caffeine. It also makes me more agitated/irritable

Mag oxide isn't well absorbed. You may have to use the bathroom more is all

How often were you getting migrains? How long has it been working for you?

Thats over 5k a year. 50k over 10 years. If you don't consider that a waste, idk what to tell you. And listen, I'm one of the people who buy coffee at these places more than I should. But if someone offered me a vacation every year or coffee every day, I'd take the vacation and buy caffeine pills for like 5-10 bucks for several months worth

It's wild to me they don't teach this in schools.

Coffee or lates that cost 6-10 bucks at dunkin or Starbucks

Recognizing the power of compound interest AutoInvest in an sp500 etf (VOO, QQQM for top 100 companies instead of top 500 companies lower expense ratio, etc) and forget about it until you retire.

Especially if you're on the younger side. This way, you dont have to pay attention to or pick stocks and they will be replaced (tax free) with whatever companies are ruling the US . Inflation will eat up money sitting in a bank or at home over time.

Do yourself a favor and type in "compound interest calculator" . Put in about a 7-10% interest (around the average gain per year from sp500...11% being the last 50 years average) and type in how many years until you retire.

The sp500 is an index fund that tracks the top 500 companies

I'll give an example (which may not be totally feasible for most but its to prove a point) . Say you're 23 and put in 400 bucks a month until you are 65.

After 42 years, you will invest a total of about 200k personally.

If you put in the sp500 index with an average return of 7% (lower than the last 50 year average) , you will have about 1,107,030 dollars. About 5-6x as much money than if you held the money

Now let's use the average gain of the last 50 years in the sp500 which is around 11 % You will have around 3.5 million at age 65.

That's the power of compound interest. Look at how much of a difference that extra % makes.

You can put 400 bucks away every month in your mattress and end up with 200k

Or put it into an sp500 index and end up with (on average) between 1.1-3.5 million) . That's between 5-17x more money after those 42 years than if you kept it somewhere else.

Also a side note-most fund managers don't out perform a simple sp500 index fund over time and it's why even Warren buffet advises his family to invest in one when he passes away. Cheers

Also the biggest advantage is time. Don't wait.

If you mean benzos, or similar things like phenibut, probably yes, it's a bad idea

L theanine for sure

Tyrosine is great to get a little extra boast . Esp on empty stomach (power is cheap)


L-theanine for sure.

Tyrosine if earlier in the day

You will almost certainly get similar, possibly worse withdrawal effects than coming off SSRI with a triple re-take inhibitor. Just keep in mind