NTA and who gets upset about a broken Frisbee? How do you even break a Frisbee?

I think the general breakdown of civil society contributes as well.

Personally I could not ruin the future and the life of this young man for things my daughter did. You’re not wrong. What your child did was beyond wrong and she’s paying a price for it. I hope she understands how this is all largely her own fault.

This is heartbreaking all around and for everyone involved. Sending a big internet hug.

Driving here has devolved into a blood sport. I hate it and find 1-5 terrifying. No one stops for Stop signs either. It didn’t use to be this way.

NTA at all. You’re not weird nor is the situation but your wife sure is for being against this. She sounds like she has no empathy for your niece, which is awful. You do what’s right and let your wife keep being her uncaring, selfish self.

NTA. If you still feel the same way about her you now have even more reason to stand your ground. She can negotiate and she should. It’s a coin toss for her too.

NTA. Leave him there to think about what he's done and who he's becoming. You don't need to enable this behavior just because others have. Clearly has hasn't learned any lessons. I'd let him figure it out himself.

YTA and your siblings and SIL are right. You have no right to decide who is named what outside your own spawn. Grow up entitled child.

NTA. She's just salty. You didn't do anything wrong and this is not going to "have a huge impact" on the children you share but it will have a positive impact that she is not a part of, therefore, not ok! Let her whine and complain while you enjoy your new family.

You said you’d reconcile. You didn’t say when. You’re feelings may change in the future so never say never but honor the feelings you have now. Tell your father or anyone else bugging you about it that time may heal this wound but it hasn’t yet and the pestering isn’t helping.

You’ll regret not doing something for yourself after your kids are in school. SAHMs are some of the dullest and least interesting people I know and they learn this themselves once their kids are off. If you’re smart and competitive you can still doing something to benefit yourself and society when your kids are in school. It doesn’t have to pay to be rewarding.

This is blatant manipulation by guilting these boys into taking care of her. The fact that she won’t disclose the reason for the surgery or come to the US for covered care would be enough for me. No more money to mom until you two are on solid financial footing.

Yes and then time really starts flying. I always heard this but didn’t think it would be in my case and I was so wrong.

I HATE driving in Texas. It's terrifying.

There are some companies that makes swimsuits and under garment options for trans people but you might also look online at Title 9 which has a variety of board shorts and swim skirts. They aren't the only option as there are lots of other retailers but this was the first that came to mind.

You are likely expecting sympathy but I don't see you getting much and we all kind of agree a big part of this is on you. No one said you had to sit there and be miserable. Had it been me I would have excused myself after the 3rd or 4th shot and gone to SILs or a hotel. Your husband is a problem and he and his sister both sound like a couple of middle aged drunks but to just sit there full of expectations, be disappointed yet do nothing about it but complain on Reddit is entirely on you.

The world is constantly evolving and changing. Just because things look or feel bleak today doesn't mean they will always feel that way. I've had good times and bad times and I wouldn't change any of it. Nothing lasts forever including the dark times.

Let's not forget her extremely bad decision making. You can't pay off bad decision making. It's the gift that keeps giving more problems.

I'm 60 and have one child. I regret not having more. I never wanted to have a baby but I wanted a family - it's different. If you feel that strongly about not being a parent that's likely the right answer for you.

Live your life without any regard to her or her nastigrams on FB. Unless you're using these tools for hours and late into the evening you aren't doing anything wrong. Her issues are not your issues.

People change. Relationships change. Just because you've been together for 10 years doesn't mean you should be together another ten. You're right about the values differing and that will ultimately undo any relationship whether it's over something little like this or something else. If he wanted to work on the relationship he would and he's not so you have your answer. The relationship is already over.