10 years ago I caught my brother and my fiance, my HS sweetheart, in our sacred spot being intimate. We were 19 and my brother was 21, we were planning our wedding and I was 3 mos preg w/ identical twins, a very high risk pregnancy. My parents were there to diffuse the situation but that night I declared my brother was 💀 to me and he will never have my forgiveness nor will he ever see me again. I had the twins 3mos early due to developing a condition that is common with carrying identical twins. I was a first time mom of twin preemies already recovering from a trauma and later I was diagnosed with PPD so it's safe to say I had a rough time for about two years. My parents were there every step of the way, my ex said he needed to step away for a while in order to be the best dad. He came back when the twins were 2, he came out to me as pansexual he let me know he still wanted to commit to me he had a hard time with his sexual orientation but the time spent away gave him all the clarity he needed. I refused him ofc but he insists I'm who he wants so we just co-parent, it's been going well

My mom recently lost her battle with lupus but her dying wish was that I make a real effort to reconcile with my brother. I wanted to tell her the truth in that moment but I love her so much I couldn't fathom her transitioning knowing her family was forever broken. It's been a month now, my father knew what my mom wanted he has been bugging me about it but I flat out told him I couldn't do it, I would never do it! I hold grudges it's doesn't make me hurt nor does it give power to my brother. His act although he wasn't alone catapulted me into the worst depression of my life and there is no coming back AITH???