I don't consider it to be a lesser evil. That old man wins, and then dies of old age... Boom! Black woman for president.

Fun fact about twerking. It has its origins in North Africa and the middle east. A friend of mine that also teaches belly dance joked about doing a very dry dissertation and then her troupe demonstrates. The purpose is to teach a bride what to do on her wedding night. Dancers are hired for that. Here is a YouTube wedding clip. They got mad skills. https://youtu.be/8ud9SGJmVg4?si=sv-H81SjMaPE6gri

Hip opening session! I took my 1st yoga class on hip night. At the end of the class, I was completely pain free for 5 minutes after having been in pain everyday for 17 years.

I found out by accident. I was doing a friend a favor and helping her staff her event. In exchange I got to take any workshop. One was stretches for your back. I was wearing a tins and at a pain level about 8 for my back. I took it because I know that most back pain is helped by stretching. At the end of the class, I was a pain level of 3. You should have seen us all with our butts against the wall putting pressure on the tight muscle. I did the exercises again that night at home. My husband was there watching TV. At the end of them, I twisted and my back popped into place so loud, he thought he needed to call an ambulance. I'm like pfttt, I need a cigarette. BTW, I had back surgery in 91. My scar looks like I was butchered. I have a degenerative disk and qualify for disability. NOT! I work full time. Using the stretches I describe with a few more have managed my pain. I don't even take pain meds.

Warm up first. Pigeon pose, cobblers pose. Also, stretch those inner hamstrings. Lay on your back on the floor. Put your butt against the wall with your feet stretched out against the wall too. Slowly drop your legs into a straddle. Be careful of your knees. Don't stretch to far. Hold the position and relax. Take 2 fingers from each hand and apply pressure high up on your inner thigh. Yiu will know where. The muscle will feel like a steel band

Warm up first. Pigeon pose, cobblers pose. Also, stretch those inner hamstrings. Lay on your back on the floor. Put your butt against the wall with your feet stretched out against the wall too. Slowly drop your legs into a straddle. Be careful of your knees. Don't stretch to far. Hold the position and relax. Take 2 fingers from each hand and apply pressure high up on your inner thigh. Yiu will know where. The muscle will feel like a steel band.

I'm proud of your shiny spine. I wish you good luck!

He's paying for it with the money you think he has been saving.

It took me into my 30s to not want kids. I wasn't able to get pregnant. By my 30s, my husband and I had a computer gaming room. We joked about how much broker we would be if we had kids. Then lo and behold... I had a doctor actually listen when I told her about the intense pain I had each month. Pain started and would get closer and closer like I was going into labor. It continued until one long intense pain that lasted 15 to 20 minutes. Then it ended. My doc did the big D ultrasound... It turns out I had a fibroid the size of a ping pong ball at the top of my uterus. Every month for 6 months, my body decided it needed to push out the fibroid that was attached to me. Stupid assed male doctors never took me serious about my pain level. At that point, the doctor said removing it may help with my infertility. Hell no! Once that gone, nothing was going to stop one of the other fibroid from getting as big. I had a hysterectomy at 38. The amount of paperwork I had to fill out saying I understood I couldn't have kids after was absurd. I have no regrets. I chose not to put myself through the hell and depression of trying to conceive at that age. I also have 2 friends that knew they didn't want kids from their teens. They are past child bearing years now. Neither of them have any regrets either.

So he would rather have you there for her to torture? Wow.

It's never your fault when someone abuses you. I'm sorry he has beaten you down so much that you are considering it to be your fault.

This. 3000 years ago in the 80s, I can't even remember where... a park or something, I was being polite and vague to some guy. I mentioned no more than my general neighborhood being on the east side. 5 days later, I hear my name called. It was by the late 20s guy. He said he knew I was in high-school and had been driving up and down the main strip trying to catch me walking home from school.

I would rather be broke, happy, and living in peace.

NTA. They are going to talk shit no matter what you do. You might as well do what makes you happy. Tell them going forward that they are not allowed in your home unless they have been invited.

Check out paper outpost and other channels like hers on YouTube for ideas.

Get a door cam and a door matt that says DID YOU CALL? Make it clear that you will not answer the door if they show up unexpectedly. If they show up without calling and your husband let's them leave or lock yourself in your room. Don't have a baby unless they respect your boundaries. Put your exit plan on the back burner, but have it ready.

I hate people who go to dress up events and NOT dress for it. Why can't she just go to an event for furries if that's how she wants to dress. It's so much more fun when you dress according to the theme. I wouldn't take her either.

I hate people who go to dress up events and NOT dress for it. Why can't she just go to an event for furries if that's how she wants to dress. It's so much more fun when you dress according to the theme. I wouldn't take her either.

Drop whatever you are doing for the guest room right now. You already stated that you don't want them there. Go work on anything else. Hell, this is a great time to develop migraines. Tell your husband he can get everything together for his family or tell them to stay in a hotel. Who cares what they want. A cross country move is exhausting. Send out a group text and tell them the house is not ready for guests. If your husband complains. Start throwing shit. ... make sure his phone isn't around so he can't record you. : )

Not all victims are molesters. I know 2 survivors that would beat the fuck out of a pedo if given the chance. They would die before touching a child.

FFS, they don't change. Tell her. Save the child.