There’s a screen off button did you hit it by accident

Guy recording that should be arrested

No one should be able to get married until over 18

Fuck him that was your house. Don’t put his name on it and leave it to your kids. Hell I’d change the beneficiaries to your kids on the life insurance too

Exactly judge has all the latitude to decide if he should determine if it was a loan or gift. And in this case with evidence that he received money from her for “car shit” would mostly likely rule in favor as a loan.

Exactly no proof that it was a gift. But proof that he received money from her

Exactly there is no proof that it was a gift either. So will come down to proof that he received money from her

Can you read asshole like I’ve said before there is no proof that it was a gift. So comes down to proof that he received money from her. Have you never watched Judge Judy.

He literally said in post that she sent it by cashapp. She has proof.

No it’s not she has proof that she sent him $1000 on cashapp

Emu point is to settle outside of court. The court will already acknowledge that he owes the $1000

It’s an asshole move on your part. Im guessing she wouldn’t have gone if it wasn’t because of you. Its your visit your family

I’m assuming no text or anything about it being a gift? There is proof she sent you the money so yes a very reasonable chance she can sue you for the money. But like others have said for $1000 probably won’t be worth the trouble on her part and it’s a threat. Offer yo send her $300-400 to settle all debts in text.

He done that for a reason. What have you done to him?

You only get one 16hr a “week “ really it’s just a 2hr extension

You should drive in the northeast. You will be praying to go drive in the southeast. 😂😂

It’s cost of infrastructure. Do you realize how many miles if tracks would have to be built to service rural areas. The miles per person would be crazy. Then you have train schedules would never work. Most rural area don’t have sewer or fiber internet. Those utilities are more important.

Yes it has. But I’ve never sent an unsolicited dick pic.

Manual transmission trucks are overrated. Absolutely no reason to drive one unless hauling heavy equipment. Automatic is more fuel efficient and better to drive in cities not having to mess with shifting all the time.

Not only credit card payments. But all the other payments. Gas, food, bills that can be paid with a card (if no extra fees).