France, UK, and Germany aren't faring much better - it's a West problem, not USA problem, sadly

Excellent job! You look fantastic, can't wait to see what you look like when you reach your goal!

I recommend leg raises, either from a dip station or from hanging on a pullup bar, to build abs; candlesticks/dragonflags are also great if you really want to build up the abs.

Otherwise it's just bodyfat, I don't have good ab definition either so I'm not able to guess how much more you need to lose, sorry :(

You're close to the recipe for a maxwell street polish sausage, my favorite form of sausage in a bun!

Hot dogs and ribs on a grill, cherry and apple pie (although I'm making bourbon pecan, not apple, this year, to share with friends - plus a cherry pie and rack of ribs), good coleslaw, and iced tea of some variety (I'd prefer a hard tea because I don't like normal southern sweet tea, way too sweet, but put some alcohol in tea and now you're talking....)

I've never seen burgers as 4th of July food, hotdogs and ribs are my preferred meats for this occasion.

Never been here, seemed pricey. Guess I should go a couple times to see what it's about before it's gone, at least.

Much like making Samus a bounty hunter, I'm convinced it was just a mistake that Nintendo or the translators made.

:worldbank: World Bank

While there's never a time in reality when 100% of the people oppose anything, it is definitely true that domino effects exist and are prevalent in politics and society. This is why you see increasing numbers of e.g. trans or gay people over time, not because people are suddenly becoming gay. But because there's enough safety and support for them to even exist, that the people who would have stayed in the closet forever in past times, now come out and live the lives they actually want to live.

Happens in almost anything where public discourse or approval or perception is involved.

It's been like two days man. What do you expect to happen in two days

The party messaging has been a disaster for Biden's entire term. The last couple weeks have made me doom because of SCOTUS rulings and realizing Biden's actually tanked his chances with the debate, but most of the problems have existed for years.

Hope so, sure haven't been given any reason to suspect as much

I don't think the left has the guts or organizational competence for it.

We can't can't get our messaging right when democracy is still a thing. Biden and the dems have done a fuckton in the past 4 years. We don't see it blasted from the rooftops and on social media, instead the right is blasting their propaganda and winning because of it. We don't even have a president willing to use his power to secure the republic while he still has the chance. He's too scared. He believes the institutions are still sacred and that half the political apparatus isn't completely conquered already.

We are fucked. There will be no resistance. If trump wins the election it's just over. Honest prediction. The last 7-14 days have made me completely shift to dooming tbh.

I am reasonably sure none of us are communists. I'm as capitalist as it gets and flat tax is still stupid and regressive.

Taxes are not about ideology, economics and taxation and fiscal/monetary policies are about what works. Glat taxes are shit at funding the government, and also leave the populace feeling unfairly treated because the poor pay the same percentage as a billionaire who could easily afford to pay more without even noticing - this stirs up resentment and damages social cohesion (something we are witnessing extreme consequences of in the USA currently).

You're calling everyone communists and trying to argue moral philosophy on a quantitative topic.

You are clearly very young and probably come from a pretty well off family. You need to learn a bit more lol.

I am convinced they're supposed to be mock-troids and everyone is just wrong about it

Moch makes no sense, mock makes total sense since they're fake metroids

Right but my point is that wealth inequality today is less severe than it was in the roaring 20s.

This is way lower than everything I have read and can find on Google right now. Some estimates place his inflation adjusted peak net worth at over $340 billion.

He owned over a percent of the entire US economy at one point. He had THE oil company. As in He owned it, and as in, the only oil company that existed.

.... and the majority of the rest of the country are unfathomably better off than they were 100 years ago, too. You are comparing 2024 to 1924. Please have some understand of what the literal 1920s were like for the masses. It was bad.

This is a silly thing to claim without data.

:worldbank: World Bank

Christ this is the dumbest thing I've read on here.

Trying to contain spam because everyone is posting 18 links per hour about the same thing is not "blue MAGA" which isn't even a thing. Calm your tits. Most of the sub and even mods are on board with the idea of Biden getting replaced at this point. There's no conspiracy going on lmfao.

:worldbank: World Bank

That would be hilarious but probably just give his seat to an actual republican at that point lol

Lmfao not even close

Christian nationalists have literally already captured the courts and half the legislature, they are a clear and present danger to democracy, they just made POTUS a king and explicitly said he's immune from killing political rivals with seal team 6 (that was literally mentioned in Sotomeyers dissent)

Because he's a nuclear PowerPoint operator. A highly trained technical job that pays six figures today.

The unrealistic part was Homer being mentally handicapped and just accidentally getting that job. That kind of job was not and still is not "normal" for the median American, much less a non-college educated American.

There is no golden age you missed.