You don’t exist to serve your narcissistic unmother. Serve yourself and go low or no contact.


In what ways do you think your narcissist unmother sabotaged you?

For me I think she directly tried to sabotage me from succeeding in anything. She didn’t want me to succeed in activities/hobbies in various ways:

-not showing up to dances while other parents were bringing tape recorders. -showing up very late to pick me up from dance on purpose. -not helping me learn how to read or do any homework. -not teaching me about financial planning or anything to do with my career —ignoring my addiction to drugs when I was an addict. Didn’t care to see me use drugs. —verbal and physical abuse towards my learning disability/school. Calling me stupid. —abusing me at night before school so I was too tired to learn. Not letting me sleep. —making me walk miles to school in the cold so I was probably tired by time I got there. —basically not teaching me anything regarding skills I need to succeed. —not letting me be in activities much.

This is a Bachelors degree high earning woman my whole life by the way. She had money. She had skills. She is successful and has always owned property such as a house.

I have struggled financially my whole life and struggled in school growing up. I still struggle with self esteem to this day due to a lifetime of believing I was stupid. I am now in my 30’s learning new skills I always wanted to learn and do from dance to figuring out my career still. I feel the sabotage has really damaged my life. My unmother is making 80k a year now and has a nice house and brand new car. I’m paying half my paycheck for an apartment and making minimum wage. The financial aspects to this sabotage I don’t hear enough about.

Yes my “mom” doesn’t ever take an interest in me and our conversations are always bland. A step further is when I do tell her something in a repeated attempt for some sort of connection/encouragement…she gives short responses and never encourages me or supports me. I leave her presence knowing I am always trying to get what she doesn’t have to give. She is a narcissist. She has no care for me. She doesn’t care how I’m doing or care I’m starting a new career that is a huge challenge for me due to all the years she abused me and tore apart any self esteem (or rather never built my self esteem to begin with..while also tearing me apart.) Truly these narcissists are evil. Best to not come around much at all. Maybe just to see other family that’s around…but her? What’s the point. It’s not only dry and callous…it’s cruel. It’s a painful reminder of all the pain.

I would go low or no contact and try to walk yourself through that guilt. I’m sorry you relate so much to my life. It’s an immense burden to have to be your own mother. It’s a lifetime of suffering too in many ways. The only thing that helps me is to channel the pain into dancing, music, writing ect. It also helps me to read and just do what makes me happy cuz truly those of us without loving mothers don’t owe this world anything. We weren’t given a fair shot. Whatever you it for your own starving inner child who needs that love. Whatever you do…do what genuinely gives you a sense of joy without guilt. Because what we got…an evil heartless btch…isn’t a mother, but a cruel reminder of all we need to give to ourselves. She is a black hole of darkness who is aligned with whatever is behind the dark side..evil..that exists in this fkd up world. Some people kill the body while others kill hearts and souls. They are of the same breed. They are an infestation on this planet and hopefully one day won’t be any longer. Only a truly evil person hurts children. She’s evil. You owe her nothing. Fck her. Be the light. Be all she could never be to yourself.

You rock. Good job getting out of homelessness and off drugs. I’ve been sober 7 years yay to us both being off drugs!

Same and look at it as extra income. You can work 2 jobs and do this as one of the jobs and make some decent money.

There’s evidence that meat is good for people. It’s the vegans looking half alive.

Botox will cause atrophy long term and skin looseness. It happened to me. Not fun.

Same here it brings me back. I love all the art and stuff.

Great I’ll do this thanks!

Ya fck the 20% or more like 1% owning the 99% of resources. I feel you.

Thank you so much for your response. I’m a singer and have been writing my whole life so this resonates with me.

Thanks so much for the thorough response.

80/20 rule

80/20 rule

Hi there Chillstep creators, you are all inspiring making this genre of music and it’s truly appreciated any tips you give me. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule?

I ask sincerely what 20% matters the most when making Chillstep? If I could focus 80% of my limited time to learn how to make Chillstep (my most desired hobby) …what is the top 20% that would be beneficial that I focus on?

I appreciate this very much no matter how late you read this even months later. Keep doing what you do! I love chillstep EDM the most.

80/20 ruleTips & Tricks

80/20 rule

Hi there EDM creators, you are all inspiring making this music and it’s truly appreciated any tips you give me. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule?

I ask sincerely what 20% matters the most when making EDM? If I could focus 80% of my limited time to learn how to make EDM (my most desired hobby) …what is the top 20% that would be beneficial that I focus on?

I appreciate this very much no matter how late you read this even months later. Keep doing what you do!

Ya women cheat just as much. Cheating sometimes is from boredom/dead bedroom it isn’t all evil narcissists. Though it is always hurtful and selfish.

Indian in the cupboard


I felt like at any moment he would turn up somewhere and throw arrows at me.