Alright you wonderful explorerers. This is geared towards the newbies and baby esthies, those thinking about seeking this career and those who want encouragement. This is not gonna be sugar coated, this is gonna be the truth and it will probably suck. I'm not being mean but I am being honest.

No one can make this decision for you. Stop asking "Is it worth it?" There are so many posts like that flooding this sub and if you were really wondering you would look at the previous posts. If you want encouragment be honest. Make your own pros and cons list. Can you afford it? Do you actually enjoy this work? Is this a trend or phase for you? Ask yourself these questions. Make your own list, your own ratings. This is your life, take hold of it.

Schooling is expensive. You get the bare minimum and are taught to pass a test. That's it.

The industry is oversaturated and it can be extremely difficult to get a job that treats you fairly. Don't believe me? Scroll through the sub and look at previous posts.

You are responsible for furthering your education, whether it be through peels, brands, what your state/country/province ordanes is within your scope of practice. It can cost A LOT of money. You are not done after getting your license.

There is extreme misinformation out there because of social media. Are you willing to correct it?

Your paycheck will most likely NOT be stable.

If you start your own business, you will NOT be successful right away unless you are an exception to the role. How many esthie businesses do you see just disappear? Are you willing/can you sacrifice?

This industry is fun. This industry is amazing. This industry requires a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, and a lot sweating and crying. Figure out if you are willing and if you are able. Each esthetician is an individual and has their own path. This is not a straight shot.

I love meeting new estheticians who share passion, but just that, is not enough. I live helping new estheticians figure out where they want to be, but I (and no one else) can tell you it's easy, because it's not. Stop asking should I do this.

I say this with much love but a lot of you need a bit of a wakeup call because you're not listening to the ones who are sharing the issues within the industry.