Where to go and how to get there?

Hey guys, i‘ll be welcoming 2 kittens to my life in may and I want to offer them beautiful experiences outside. After doing a lot of reading I can say I have a good grasp on the very beginning whilst inside: get them gently used to the harness, then the leash, train them some clicker moves, have them feel safe in the backpack and then see if going outside is something they like to do.

Its the afterwards that I‘m not sure about. Many people I talked to goes with their cats to their garden or a park 100m away. Or they take them somewhere in the car.

But what about when you live in the center of a small city (still urban) and to get to a green place you gotta walk a bit and to get to a reaally green place you have to either walk and get a bus or just walk more?

My other question is what to do regards dogs (love them). With my dog this was easy. But with two cats Id really appreciate some guidance.

Well thats it. Thanks a lot in advance and I wish you all a good day :)

Hello, i‘m getting two kittens in may and i wish to give them good experiences outside. The seeing if your cat is into it and the gear part I understand. Its the afterwards that i have questions about. Id be glad to join this community.

Ah ok good tip, i planned on putting it on the floor.

Do you take her in a backpack till you get to a quieter place like a park pr rural area and then you place her down? I keep thinking of dogs walking by. Hop back in the bag.

She looks like what in German is called a „silver burmese“ which originates from crossing a Burma with an Abyssinian. Cute girl :)

Hoo Geez…. I can imagine your faces 0.0 a great nickname for him. And did he and your other cat get well along from then on?

Thank you! Whats your boy‘s name and what does he look like? :p had to ask

Thanks a lot for your advices! I hope Octavia is doing well. What does she look like? About the carrier, do you use soft ones as in shoulder bags or do you prefer hard ones? And do you take Octavia outdoors for walks and such? If so how does that look like exactly? Lots of questions ikr -.-”

Do you remember your first month with your Burma?

My Burmas haven’t arrived yet, but I‘m very looking forward to the day they are here. So I was wondering if anyone here had some memories to share, recommendations to give, tips and so on.

Question for cat parents: cat grass?

Hello, i’m about to become a cat parent myself and i’m preparing the home for the kittens. I’ve read good things about cat grass and was wondering if some of you could share with me your experience with it? Where did you order yours from? Did you buy them as seeds and planted them at home? Any tips is welcome!

Oh that looks so relaxing

Is he long or short haired? And where do you usually do it? Sink, bathtub…

Oh well then they enjoy it and thats nice. Do you bathe them together like in the bathtub or separately?

Bathing cats?

I’m not familiar with cats. I’ve always been told that cats will generally clean themselves. That one should inly bathe them if there is a need due to them not being able to do it or if they get really dirty.

Is there a new understanding of this now? While browsing youtube Ive found actual breeders bathing 10 weeks old kittens?

Im not writing this with the aim to “roast” anyone or just shit talk a group of people. I’m genuinely asking if I’m missing something. If I still should only bathe my cats if theres really a need for it.

Ps. Someone told me one could bathe them as kittens to get them used to it for the case they need to be bathed in the future. But I see that as so much unnecessary stress if the cat doesn’t respond to water well.

How mobile is/was your Burmese?


I havent welcomed my Burma yet. My plan is to slowly but surely get them used to a harness and a backpack so I can take them for walks in the green.

My question is more about taking them with you to someone’s house. For example you will visit someone, your father or a friend. They welcome your cat and the cat knows them and the place has no other pets.

Is this doable?

Thank you for the tip. I will make sure to it at a calmer location… get them used to the backpack first, then take them to a calmer place and there is can try it :)

With a harness, sometimes is a short one where we just walk to a bench and sit there, others is a bit longer.

Yeah i got to get one, good idea. I live near a busy street so I thought because of the noise that he or she might prefer to stay at home. But apparently they enjoy to go tag along for walks so thats great.

Not yet. I havent tried it yet. But i plan to. I thought the Burma might prefer to stay at home. I dont have him or her yet so thats why I was asking. Thanks for letting me know! :)