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r/AdventureKitties Lounge

A place for members of r/AdventureKitties to chat with each other

Pinnedby Principesza
What would you consider to be essential training before taking a cat on a road trip?

If you had to make a checklist of essential training and core skills that would have to be mastered before you would consider taking your cat on a trip, what would it be?

In roughly two months, my boyfriend and I are taking a trip to his family's cottage and will be staying there about a week. We've debated the idea of bringing my currently 8 month old kitten with us, provided we could have her fully prepared for such a thing by then. However, this is 6 hours away from where we live, and there will be children there who I fear might open the door without thinking about it first.

What would you consider all the skills necessary before considering this kind of trip?

Panting? Kitty started panting on the way home and wouldn't drink water.

My boy Bogan and I did our usual walk today, and I noticed about halfway through he seemed kind of tired...or just not as into it as he usually is? So we went a little further but he didn't seem happy so I decided to cut it short and head home. On the way up the walk to the house I looked back and noticed he was panting.

As far as I know cats pant if they're super stressed, super thirsty, or smell something super interesting, right? I don't think he was scared/stressed, and he wasnt sniffing, so I assume it was thirst. So I like damn let's get you some h20 my guy. He came inside and just sat next to his dishes, wouldn't drink, so I mixed some pate with water and he took all of that.

This is the first time this has happened. I'm wondering how you all handle situations like this, and also how do you handle making sure your kitty stays hydrated? Or maybe a little panting is normal? I've never seen him pant before but it is the warmest day of the season so maybe it was just a bit much for him today.

How do you set boundaries around adventures?

My cat used to be a happy homebody who would watch birds on the balcony and mice on TV. I put work into encouraging her to go outside under supervision because I love her. Now she won't leave me alone. She'll settle into one of her old activities while I'm working and then the second I stand up she's begging me to go outside. I just got up to use the bathroom! This happens every. single. time. I stand up and it is beyond infuriating. You know how cats follow you from room to room? Mine does that too except every single time it happens there's a 15-minute period of begging before she finally settles down again. I love her but I can't live like this.

She has a treat ball that is never empty. She has her own TV with youtube videos of mice on it. There is a bird feeder on the balcony just for her entertainment. I play laser and/or streamer with her every day. My roommate has a cat so she's never alone (but can be if she wants to be). Yet apparently none of this matters compared to the thrill of sitting in a bush.

She gets at least a full hour of outside time most days that it's warm and dry. More than that if I don't have to work. How do I get her to understand that I have a life outside of her and cannot be giving her supervised outside time 24/7 and that her constant begging only makes both of us upset? I am seriously considering just not letting her outside at all, if she's going to interpret every single time I stand up as an opportunity to beg for it.

Sometimes I wonder if she would be happier on a farm and I should rehome her for her own good but usually farms are trying to get rid of cats, not adopt more.

Harness for fluffy boys

Hi guys calling up big kitty parents ! I got adult sized wisker city harnesses from petsmart and they were too small for my fluffy cats

What brands do you like !

Car anxiety

My cat loves to go outside and explore! Though I can't take him out in the backyard due to complications and my neighbors like to honk to scare him while I walk him, there's a park that feels safe and has less dogs and people and is a familiar place. However the car seems to be his biggest hurdle, especially since I got a new harness for him since he was able to squeeze out of the other one, he started to shiver when I brought him in the car. I felt bad and brought him back inside, I'm wondering if it is the combo of the harness and the sounds of the car that scares him, not sure what I can do to help him have good association with the car since he has associated it with the vet previously. He's gone in the car before and was able to calm down and enjoy some sun, but with the new harness he just seems a lot more nervous. I want him to have safe outside time without stress, but I'm worried I'm overwhelming him. Any tips or suggestions?

Really need advice

Our male kitten (11 months old, 5/8 orange tabby 3/8 ragdoll) loved going on adventures to the park outside our place up until 6 months old. He was fine in his harness and lead and backpack. We got him fixed at 6 months, and ever since he resists going into his backpack and just huddles down shaking in there while outside, reluctant to come out. It's been 5 months. We brought him to the vet in that backpack, which I realize may have been a mistake. However, he also won't let us take him outside while just sitting on our shoulder either. It's like his attitude to outside has completely changed. It has been chilly some of the times we've taken him out, but I don't think that's it. We really want to go on adventures and road trips with him but that obviously isn't happening. We've considered just walking around outside with him in the backpack regularly until he gets used to it again, but are worried we'd just be deepening the negative associations. For a bit more context, we live in a second floor apartment, without a yard, so he doesn't have his own territory outside. Has this happened to anyone else? What do we do?!

Where to go and how to get there?

Hey guys, i‘ll be welcoming 2 kittens to my life in may and I want to offer them beautiful experiences outside. After doing a lot of reading I can say I have a good grasp on the very beginning whilst inside: get them gently used to the harness, then the leash, train them some clicker moves, have them feel safe in the backpack and then see if going outside is something they like to do.

Its the afterwards that I‘m not sure about. Many people I talked to goes with their cats to their garden or a park 100m away. Or they take them somewhere in the car.

But what about when you live in the center of a small city (still urban) and to get to a green place you gotta walk a bit and to get to a reaally green place you have to either walk and get a bus or just walk more?

My other question is what to do regards dogs (love them). With my dog this was easy. But with two cats Id really appreciate some guidance.

Well thats it. Thanks a lot in advance and I wish you all a good day :)

walking my sick kitty to cheer her up

My adventure kitty Fae was recently sick with a UTI, and was acting super miserable the whole day, growling and hissing at thin air in pain, not wanting to be touched, and not wanting to move or eat. It was so sad to see her like that. I decided to try and take her out for a walk anyway, just to see if maybe she wanted to try peeing outside, and the way she lit up as soon as we got outside was so hilarious. It clearly cheered her up and helped her feel a lot better to take a walk, we stayed out there for about 40 minutes, twice as long as she usually wants to! She was jumping up and demanding pets from me, and running up to strangers asking for attention. Acting like her normal boisterous self! (She was completely better the next day btw)

Moral of my story is: even if your cat seems miserable and sick, try bringing them outside anyway, it might be the best part of their day and distract them from the discomfort for a bit ☺️❤️

Backpack suggestion

I am looking for a secure backpack with comfort for me to take my cat om my 15 minutes bike ride. I have one currently with a lot of mesh and so far seems secure, but it has a strong chemical smell that haven't gone away after leaving out for a month and I would wipe my cat down everytime she comes out of it.

Criteria: 1) comfy when she is in the back on my bicycle (I am open to wearing it in the front) 2) SECURE for cat (no zipper on the bottom of bag, read too many horror story of pet popping down unexpectedly, and she is 11lbs)

Wishlist: comfy for me as well (I am 5'3", 115lbs) and have a window on the top so I can see her when I turn around. Thank you y'all!

Harness/leash agression

Hello fellow adventure cat parents! I’ve run into a unique problem with our well seasoned adventurer (4 y/o male) and our newest edition (10 month old male).

Our 4 y/o is very aggressive towards our newest cat when in his harness and leash. At first I thought it had to do with being outside so I tested it by putting them both in the catio together and no problems! But as soon as I put a harness on him he lashes out when the new cat is nearby. This even happens inside.

This wasn’t a problem I was expecting to encounter! The 10 month old is still getting trained and is definitely a little wiley when outside on a leash but not agressive. Our 4 year old male doesn’t want him even in his sight line. Any suggestions to make this easier? This is my first time with two adventure cats!