So, I graduated, moved halfway across the country and went no contact. They don’t get to see me or my kids. They don’t get to enjoy the mile stones. They don’t get the milestones.

Guess what? My kids family loves me. They celebrate every freaking milestone I’ve made…

Kansas is known for not following the letter of the law where CPS is concerned. They may have let them see a redacted sheet and have forgotten to redact some information.

My in-laws did this with my first husband. It killed the marriage.

Leave. He’s not going to protect you from them, and he won’t protect your son from them

Don’t forget your current job may be giving you lousy reviews to prevent you from leaving. I wouldn’t list them as my employer

Yassss! If you have any questions on the nail tech portion DM me! I’m so excited for you!

Avacados, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, hard boiled eggs, pb & j with a glass of milk ( only 300 cal), protein shakes.

Lil mama you need more calories!

First, ignore the men on here. They’re defending him like they know him.

Child support in most states is a constitutional right guaranteed by that state. This is because a 2 income household is supposed to stand to raise a child.

He chose to move states, knowing that the condom failed. He didn’t want the child. He should have had the sense to have an early vasectomy.

The issue here isn’t a morality clause or whether or not you should be “keeping your word to this dude” have you seen the inflation in the last 3 years!!!

Child support will help. Go get it mama

Dude. Dude.

My dude.

Listen, your baby is learning, and your wife is learning too. Your daughter is parentifying herself and most likely needs therapy.

Your wife needs a safe home, a quiet time to feed that baby. She needs rest. If she doesn’t get rest she can’t breast feed. If she’s not breast feeding, that can be painful.

Your 12 year old needs a serious gut check. She doesn’t belong trying to manage your wife and that baby. You are not only the asshole but you’re raising one too!

You’re gonna loose your wife and your new baby too because you can’t see that your kid is a brat who can’t take no for an answer when it comes to a baby that isn’t hers.

Way to mess that up!

Your wife deserves a partner who’s got her back. You are not it. Man up or step out dude. You are the weakest link

I’m in the community here. I’m putting myself out there so that You STOP blaming yourself.

Your husband chose a rather graphic, practiced art that we in the community know is a scary thing.

We have safe words, red balls ( for example when you’re being choked or when you’ve got too much dyck in your throat) that you can drop to stop the scene.

He should have discussed it AT length with you. What you were comfortable with, what you were not, how it would be done, would it be done with his hands, a belt, a device, would it be done on a soft surface like a bed, against a door, in a swing.

He should have practiced safety cues with you, and because he’s obviously inexperienced and quite frankly an idiot… you should have been facing him the entire time!

Why? Because when this is done RIGHT you need to be able to see where you are positioning your hands, how your partner responds, do there pupils dilate or contact?

There’s SO much he fucked. He’s worried about his face?! What about the brain damage you endured?! Oxygen cut off to the brain even for seconds DAMAGES the brain. How about the damage to your marriage?! How about the bruises you may have in and around your eyes and throat? How about the way you’ll flinch when he raises his hands or his voice?

The damage. Oh honey, the damage he did to you. This would get him banned from a dungeon and put on a dangerous list. No sub NEAR him would touch him. Not now, not ever. This ISNT an oops.

Gather your things and RUN

This is why protein bond breaker is so important

Wanna know how I got the neighbors mouthy lab to stop barking and pacing the fence!

pulls up the eeeeeevil chair

I’ve always had dogs. Always. We had this one fat English lab next door who was a freaking psycho.

So I started training my dogs out back. Sit treat, ball treat come treat behind treat and you guessed it SPEAK treat

Now Mei my GSD mix has known these for forever. She’ll blow through 30 commands in just over a minute… including Speak, Big Bark and Whisper. The point wasn’t that she knew them, the point was treat

My neighbors wondered why there dogs got quiet, then wondered why they were standing by the fence watching us.

Took TWO days, a bag of treats and ahhhhhh the silence

Toupee tape is my savior for lace fronts!

So, you’re doing him favors and his response is F off? Well, I guess he can be up with his kid while you put ear plugs in & sleep in huh?

Dude, obviously you’ve never been to one or you wouldn’t say that

In this age where you can be an a**hole over the internet & not get punched in the face your nephew needed to FAFO.

He chose to make fun of his very pregnant aunt. He’s sooooo lucky it was you & not me. That kid would have spent his party cleaning baseboards, floors, window sills, dusting, cleaning…

When you’re refused, go grab another CNA. Work the floors with them. Keep a transfer belt with you & a folded sheet. You can use the folded sheet under the patient to make it easier to move them and make it less likely to tear skin.

Work in teams.

I have 10 children. Do you know how often my oldest is stuck watching my youngest. Maybe once a year. Why? Because I’m paranoid about parentification

This happened to me with all 3 kids Run Divorce him


I would remind them of the tenants that are the golden rule. My parents religion was Catholicism: Love and judge not. And when they’d quote something in the scripture I’d remind them that was God speaking and not man.

My ethnicity tells me that a Mother/Crone/Ancestor is important but that they should not lead you astray. Wisdom can be seen in the very flowers & grandmother turtle has a lot to say

My races say that my parents are holy, a gift and remind me to be quiet when they talk. To really hear them and digest what they Do have to say.

May his future be sad and sorry May his words burn with a woman’s fury

Get an Attorney, Take the house, the car, kids, his reputation AND his pension. He can go live with his Gd mommy.

And after the divorce find yourself a Brujah who will take care of this karmic contract for you

No actually. I’ve had the cops called on me multiple times because people are certain I’ve become a ghost. ( before I became a mom)

I work from home and have since I was 18 in a part time jewelry making business. More when I was first a mom, and now again.

I had one neighbor who would get into screaming matches with his wife til 3 am. I did these and finished it off with a beeper… the beeper was the last straw for them.

I don’t like people or socializing or sun or people but unless you push my limits I’m a cool cucumber