Around July of 2021, I found out I was pregnant. I wasn’t in a serious relationship with the guy. We had only hung out a few times. When I told him, he tried to convince me to get an abortion, but that is something I was not willing to do. So we came to an agreement that I would raise the child and make all of the decisions and he wouldn’t be involved whatsoever. That was his choice. He had told me at the time that he didn’t have the money to be able to afford child support so I told him that he didn’t have to so long as he wasn’t involved. I felt as though it would be easier to basically have him vanish than to have a stressful relationship with him forever. So, 2 and a half years later, I’m raising my boy by myself. I do not make a lot of money. I’m also in a lot of debt from medical bills and general baby things. I live paycheck to paycheck. Come to find out, my son’s father is actually a research scientist with a PhD and working at Northwestern University. Part of me is furious because I feel like he could be helping out with child support, but the other part is wondering if I should just leave it alone. What are my options? What should I do? Please be nice.

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who has commented and given their opinions. I have decided not to ask for child support. I spoke with him, and he’s an incredibly mean and hateful person and I don’t want my child to have any part of that. I didn’t mention this before, but I am in a relationship currently with a very wonderful man who cares for my son as his own. And while he’s not financially responsible for the child, the love he has for him is enough. That’s all I want for my child. We will get through this tough time.