So a story about all these guys who don’t wash their asses…

Probably 7 or 8 years ago (my early 30s), I had a couple dates with a guy. He was a professional like me, cute, alternative hipster type but looked clean cut. Well we sleep together and when I went down orally on him, I could smell something. I should have ended it there but i didn’t - I just quit with oral and we proceeded to PIV which was normal enough.

When it was over, he got up to go to the bathroom and there was a huge poo skid mark on my bed. Like very large. I was shocked. He jumped in the shower (?) and then left.

When he asked me to hook up again, I first ignored him but then he continued texting me and I finally blurted out “you shit in my bed!” He said - “no I didn’t, that was your period starting.” It absolutely was not.

I was clueless why or how this happened as there was no anal stuff happening on either of us. Now after reading all these posts, I realize this is a guy who didn’t wash his ass.

Mortifying laundering those sheets. Point being, you can’t look at someone and tell by looking at them. I’d have never guessed.