If you're being charitable, home is not the Frontline for most

Warcrimes....everyone on this list has committed warcrimes

I found it a little funny the first time, but not like laugh out loud funny. I think she does have a rough charm to her.

Used to be a three, my wife has taken me to a four. If I'm feeling a little spicy I take them to a six just to keep her quiet

Well whatever you feel about the ends justifying the means, this was the single most authoritarian moment in the last 100 years. Forgive me but you are saying he didn't go far enough there, but he is an authoritarian, the likes of which we cannot survive.

They didn't give it to him because they planned to swap him out. Look how quickly the media who downplayed his issues for so long turned on a dime after the debate. That was coordinated

And any coherent uprising will get co-opted by opportunists looting malls

What's funny is that the most authoritarian shit Trump did (lockdowns, COVID stuff), none of you had a problem with. In fact you wished he did it harder

But if the server doesn't make the traditional minimum wage, the employee already has to make them whole

Maybe things have changed but when I went to Europe 9 years ago I was surprised by how bad the service was.

Congress not allowing people to tip sounds weird to me

Exactly, the 180 degree twist of the mainstream media seems very coordinated

Biden isn't a boomer, he's actually from the silent generation