I myself am one, and whenever I mention this in arguments against pro-tippers they are quick to call me a liar or tell me I have mental issues for turning on my people.

I feel like servers know better than anyone how overpaid we are in many establishments and it makes sense to me that we are against tipping when we leave the industry. If it weren’t for my experience as a server tbh I don’t think I would have the confidence to come to this sub and be vocally anti-tipping. I might buy their BS about how hard & important their jobs are & how they have to tip out most of their earnings & are so poor so give them more money you cheap broke evil exploiter

I’m assuming no current server is anti-tipping, I wasn’t when I was benefitting from the system. But even at the time I was aware and made jokes about how overpaid I am. We often had French-Canadian tourists at my restaurant who tended to tip less and I was the only who didn’t bitch and moan when they were assigned to me. So I’d like to think I’m not a complete hypocrite.

Just wondering how many of us anti-tipping former severs are out there so next time someone calls me a liar I can point them to this thread. Although I’m sure they’ll think we’re lying anyway!