I like using Vantrue for recording my crotch while driving. Using it for the road may provide different results.

Then they shouldn’t get offended over a joke.

I’m in way north NY. No dealers and I had to drive 3 hours for a private seller. Just really wanted one. Either way 3750 is way below msrp.

I mean, there are other diet soda options, and water. It was also a joke lmao.

I mean try and go as low as possible but I would take that deal personally. I got my ‘23 300 with a couple mods and 3400 miles for 5k. Your prices are making mine feel like a rip off.

300 is a great beginner bike and you can sell it for more than the 230 when you want to upgrade since there’s more demand.

I think it’s funny you’re getting downvoted. I agree with you and don’t think the iPhone is worth that much more and they said budget was a big factor for them.

So why should I not tip while ordering online. Also everywhere in the US they make the state mandated minimum wage if tips don’t exceed the threshold so I don’t need to hear the tired argument. We also know that servers make way above minimum wage anyway otherwise they wouldn’t be against moving to higher wages and no tipping. And what about the servers making 16 an hour base in California? Do they also need to get tipped on takeout even if they don’t make the “personalized” experience that they do when someone sits down? It takes way less time to do a take out order why should I tip half what I normally do? I’m not demanding anything like sit down I’m calling in my short order, driving there, going inside and picking up my food.

So they should get 10% for taking down my order from a phone instead of ordering it online? Even if I was quick and no alterations or anything? Didn’t ask about menu just had my set list and told it to them?

Serving isn’t essential. There’s a problem when people that spent 4 years and thousands of dollars and are essential, make less than servers. We need teachers, we don’t need servers. The only reason why they make so much is because there’s an expectation to tip at least 20% per bill or you’re an asshole. And it’ll just keep going up.

They do a fuck ton more for one person. They don’t go through as many customers as fast food does. Why do servers deserve more than essential workers with a degree? Why does doing their job warrant 20% of the bill paid directly to them from the customer. They get paid the same now as fast food in California but deserve tips because their job is harder? They can get a job in fast food then. And if we’re bringing up how hard serving is, there are so many jobs that are harder but get paid less than serving.

So it’s never going to change even if every state raises the wages because it’s not the original intent. You’re acting like things can’t change.

If you think servers deserve their 50 an hour after tips for doing something a tablet could do, you’re also out of touch.

Hmm let’s see. Starbucks, Panera, chipotle, five guys, some McDonald’s, subway, most pizza places, and I’m sure plenty of others allow tips or are working to allow tips. Barking up the wrong tree, you’re funny. If chick fil a workers can do it with a smile and not expect tips, why do servers expect tips for doing their job. They get the same pay in states like ops. Servers aren’t a necessity and I can’t see a single reason why they deserve 50 an hour after tips for taking orders, explaining a menu that is in front of a person, dealing with shitty customers like every other fast food chain, bringing orders to a table, and cleaning. If you’re doing 4+ checkins, either you’re a bad server, or you aren’t busy enough. A table needs to be checked in maybe 3 times at the max otherwise you’re just annoying as fuck, let the customers eat. Better yet sit a tablet on the table that does everything except put food on the table and that should be enough for most people. The expectation to tip is why I just order take out and don’t tip. Oooh I’m an asshole for not tipping on takeout because I’m taking time out of someone’s job where they could be earning tips. Take it up with your manager or find a different job. Other whole countries do just fine without tipping and the service is better. Have you ever been to Asia? It’s great there and they refuse to take tips since it’s their job. Servers in California are getting paid the same as fast food workers but still beg for tips. Nobody has pleasure when working, no shit. I’m sure you wouldn’t have the pleasure to serve someone if they didn’t tip just like at chick fil a. But ofc servers need to earn 50 an hour to live when all other fast food workers are working their second jobs. I’m sure servers couldn’t handle that either and would much rather get paid in tips than work in fast food. Other industries that accept tips make it optional, unlike serving where you can get treated like shit for not tipping. Servers won’t do their jobs if you don’t pay them extra.

It’s not a standard when minimum wage has risen to those of other entry level workers. They’re getting paid the same as fast food but still expect tips.

They make the same as people who don’t expect tips. So I shouldn’t have to tip if I don’t want to. If a fast food employee wants a nice meal and goes to a restaurant, why should they tip if the server already makes as much if not more than they do. And when you tell them that servers aren’t making a livable wage, they aren’t either. It should be a “if you have the funds” thing. But of course people are just gonna say, “if you can afford it, don’t go out to eat”. At some point it’s going to unaffordable for everyone and then nobody can go out.

No it’s cause restaurants couldn’t afford to pay their employees. Other countries that don’t expect tips offer great service. Why can’t we just do our jobs like they do. The incentive should be not getting fired when your service sucks ass.

It’s more of a tipping should be optional when they are paid the same as fast food. They shouldn’t get tipped because it shouldn’t be the customers job to supply wages. Tipping is still expected for servers regardless of what their base pay is but for other entry level jobs tipping isn’t even an option, or when it is, it’s optional like it should be.

The “more” that fast food workers apply is faster service. Plenty of fast food establishments accept tips but they are optional. They aren’t optional for the servers that make the same amount of money as they do. You act like doing all of that isn’t a part of the servers job description where they’re expected to do that. Servers take on less customers and have time to do all of the extra stuff, fast food workers can’t. “Customized service” is just fancy for taking down an order and all of the customers alterations or whatever, just like a McDonald’s employee, ringing it in, just like McDonald’s, and bringing it to you, just like plenty of McDonald’s. I know chick fil a will have someone come around and ask how the food is and possibly even take your cup in for a refill, but they don’t expect a tip. They do it with a smile too. Chick fil a and sit down restaurants are literally the same but one expects a tip and one doesn’t while also providing cheaper food quicker. Asking for extra ranch doesn’t happen just at sit down restaurants either. The expectation of tips comes from restaurants not being able to pay servers well and them making close to nothing. But when wages raise to the level of fast food, why is it still expected to tip?

I’m sure fast food workers put up with way more dickheads than a servers taking on a couple tables per hour. And they get the bottom of the barrel people. People expecting fast service, complaining about prices, and yelling at low level employees for corporate decisions, all while not giving a fuck about tipping because fast food workers make a “livable wage”.

It’s optional when they’re getting paid 16-20 an hour. That’s the expected pay when you sign up for a job in those cities. Yes more fast food places are setting up tipping options for those that choose too but it’s still optional. Tipping for a server making the same wage isn’t seen as optional. You can’t say that tipping can go away when wages increase everywhere for servers because California and other states raising the minimum wage is breaking the social norm. It should be “optional” if they are making the same wage as every other place. And just because you would tip fast food workers doesn’t mean most people will. Either make tipping expected for every place that accepts tips, or have it be optional like it’s supposed to be. If they don’t like putting up with customers that don’t tip when they’re making more than most customers, they can find a different job. Servers are definitely making more with tips and that’s why they hate to see higher wages. If the pay is still lacking when being paid more than teachers and nurses, I think servers need to take a step back and look at themselves. Sure people can be shitty, that’s why you can refuse service to them. You can’t act like there aren’t shitty people everywhere especially in fast food where employees get treated like garbage and experience more customers than any sit down place. Servers are entitled and they think that doing their job warrants extra pay. They could just get rid of servers and most people would be just fine ordering off a tablet and having a robot bring them their food or just getting up to go get it. It’d be easier with less mistakes.

No but raising minimum wage for tipped workers does solve it. They’re making the same as fast food workers and thus, don’t need a tip. Unless you’re saying you should tip every fast food place then sure. But I know you’re just saying a servers job is the hardest and the one of the most important jobs anyone can have. Get off your high horse and stop thinking servers making the same as fast food should get handouts just for being a server.

You should tip the McDonald’s worker 20% too since they make the same base pay as those servers. The only reason for tipping is to make up for the shit pay they have been getting but if they’re making the same as all the other fast food employees why should they expect a tip.

You should tip the McDonald’s worker that makes the same hourly wage then. Don’t go spouting cultural norm when they raised wages which is going against the norm.

I thought the only argument for tipping servers was they get paid almost nothing. When they have the same wage as other fast food workers, why is there still a need for a tip? Should we start tipping McDonald’s 20% because they also can’t afford to live? Or do we just make an exception for servers because they expect a tip. Those servers making 16-20 an hour definitely expect a 20% tip while those at McDonald’s don’t. Don’t say they have less hours and that’s why we should tip. They can find a different job to make up for the rest of the full time they are missing out on. Raising the wages of the servers is what we wanted and should make tipping optional. But no, we should keep tipping servers 20% or more regardless of how good the service was or how much they get paid even if they get paid tripled what we do after tips. I know people are still tipping those 20$ an hour servers which should more than cover those that don’t. Anyway, those other fast food workers are still in the same “shit” economy working more hours for less pay than every server working at a decent restaurant. Don’t say “don’t go out to eat” cause if you don’t tip your local McDonald’s worker then you can’t afford it either.