I like LefWingMaleAdvocates. In fighting between legitimate male advocacy subs is not in our favor. MensLib is another matter.

To me, they're alt metal+psychedelia. Not ambience heavy, yet hypnotic nonetheless. You just have to listen to them.

I love TOOL. However, I don't listen to TOOL nearly as much as I do Opeth. In my opinion, most of TOOLs music maintains the same level of aggression and intensity. I'm either in the mood for that or I'm not. On the other hand, I can almost always find a song by Opeth to match my mood.

I felt Sorceress's melody kind of drones on where the melodies of other songs on that album were more compelling to me.

Yep, music appreciation can be very subjective. I don't hate the song. I just think it's the worst song on a really good album and you think it's the only good song on a really bad album. Funny indeed.

Ironically, I think Sorceress is the worst song on the album .

So tired of the "teaching boys to be better" narrative. My son does his chores without me asking him twice. It's a constant battle to get my daughter to even clean her room. We didn't condition them that way. My daughter is just more stubborn. It's not because she's a girl, it's because she is who she is.

Boys are not innately any more opposed to doing chores anymore than girls. This notion that we have to fix boys because they are born broken is really frustrating.

I like Goblin. It sounds like the background music for a 70's cop show.

Well, shouldn't we be just as appalled seeing images of dead young boys strewn across our next battlefield? Why are the lives of your young men worth less?

Someone earlier made the argument that in reality, they likely wouldn't put masses of drafted women into frontline Infantry units (there would be some exceptional ones though).

I hope the selection criteria for who goes to the front-line and who doesn't would be gender neutral.

As long as the criteria for who is assigned to the front-line or support jobs is gender neutral, it's a victory.

I read them. I think you're wrong and I've been pretty plain about why. Overgeneralization is bad and there's really no reasonable justification for it.

Nearly all violent crimes are committed by men.

Yet violent crime is committed by a very small fraction of the male population. Blaming all men for the actions of a few is misandrist.



Domestic violence is nearly always committed by men on women.

Of domestic abuse crimes recorded by the police, 25% were committed against men (ManKind Initiative). Most men that experience domestic abuse don't report it. There is little societal support for male victims of domestic abuse, and biases like yours aren't helpful at all.



Setting aside physical/sexual violence, nearly all positions of power and authority around the world are held by men. Still, to this day.

This is a problematic statement to say the least. 25 out of 100 U.S. Senators are women. 126 out of 535 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives are women. While I can agree that women are under represented in our government, to say nearly all positions of power and authority around the world are held by men is hyperbole. Women vote more often then men, so it is women that put them in power.

Does the average man view women as less than men? Yes, based on what I’ve seen. And therefore participates in and supports the discrimination. And I don’t understand how these problems could still exist in society today, to the extent they do, if this wasn’t the case. Maybe you can enlighten me?

Your personal experience, while important to you personally, is not viable, statistically speaking, to make a generalization that all men are awful.

"Most men are awful" is a subjective statement. What is awful and not awful is an opinion. Labeling it as truth is misandrist.

Let's see, this is hard. Damnation was a really good album

Best: Hope Leaves

Worst: Either Weakness or Ending Credits (I like both songs! Like I said, really good album)

Underrated: In my Time of Need