Somehow a lot of people start to worry about men radicalizing, specifically because radicalized men pose danger to other people. Men can directly harm women or vote in populists. There are calls to actively silence the alt-rights and toxic manosphere, e.g. and there are reasons to believe these guys are banned, shadowbanned, demonetized. This won't help. They are not a root-cause. Men who already hate come the dark corners of manosphere or neo-nazi to listen. People don't start their slide there. And when they are fully shaped complete zealots they don't really need particular populist to radicalize, as they are already done.

Ironically slide to extreme misogyny starts with casual internet misandry. I saw a lot of men who make outlandish statements about women. I asked them how did they come to such conclusions and what are their sources ... and it is almost always tiktok. Not some MRA influencers, but women. Women who produce rage-bait content simultaneously boasting luxury life-style and making fun of men, denigrating men, promoting ridiculous double standards. This is not balanced by examples of real-life offline women, because they don't have female friends. The source of their knowledge about women is internet women.

Rage bait is a social media strategy to make some content gain clicks, reactions, reposts - instead of pleasing the audience, infuriate them! They come to comment sections to express their disgust and share the link to make all their friends know what a horrible person you are. And it works. Hate sells even better than sex.

An interesting article about rage-bait:

The trick with infuriating the audience is to never insult protected groups (women, PoC, LGBT). If you make these people hate you - you'll get banned. But men are different - their hate is lucrative and safe. When they are infuriated, it is because they have fragile male egos, they are afraid of losing privilege and please bring in more male tears!

It was told so many times that misogyny kills while misandry merely hurts feelings. I don't want to dispute this claim. Just misandry IS the great supplier of misogyny.