Because if you fuck a thirteen year old and she’s not your wife then it’s wrong

The Bill Cosby of the animal kingdom

my dad will be 91 in September He’s never smoked, quit drinking when he was about 20 and has worked his ass off his whole life.

I was old enough to drive myself to the first PG rated movie I ever saw.

user text is here

The one that goes PING!

Look at me! I’m flying!!

That stretch from Korea to The Philippines looks kinda dicey. I expect you might drown.

He didn’t fuck a sausage. That would be weird. The sausage fucked him.

You can stir fry your dinner while your rice cooks. That takes 20 minutes. Pot roast in a crock pot doesn’t take much hands on time.

We used to drive 50 miles on Saturday or Sunday to visit my aunt and uncle. Sometimes they were home sometimes not. If they were home they’d stop working and cut a watermelon or make ice cream. We never called because long distance was expensive

I’m certified by the state of Texas to practice professional nursing and that’s good enough for me.