Navient is the one servicer that I’ve seen that has had zero movement for probably 95-99% of their loans. They used to be Sallie Mae which was a government entity. So that could have something to do with it. My theory is that the longer they hold onto the loans, the more interest accrues, then when the loans are discharged and paid in full, they get more money. Though they haven’t demanded payment from me, the interest is certainly still accruing. Just my theory tho.

Excellent explanation! Thanks for taking the time to type this up! It’s very informative.

If he’s anything like my mini schnauzer, it means he thinks he can walk himself better than you can. 😂

Got excited cuz for a second this looked exactly like my Navient dashboard!! 😂 Congrats to you!!

Asking other people to join so they can not process the applications is wild…😂

Get ready to pay your remaining balance and they gon be like “what deposit?!” deebo voice 🤣🤣

Wow! I think you may be the first person I’ve seen with discharges done by Navient!! I’m still waiting on Navient to do something…ANYTHING! Congratulations!

Eeeeexactly. Proof that they can do what they want when they want. They’re purposely dragging their feet and no one can change my mind about it!

I mean, it is kinda rude, even though you assert that’s not your intention. However, what I meant when I said what I said is that I have seen many people from other servicers say their loans were discharged. Though they are all slow, I have only seen very few (maybe 5 max) post about Navient discharging their loans. So, my idea that Navient is slow for underlying reasons does not imply that it is the only one that is slow. This administration parades the appearance of being more friendly when it comes to discharges, but that isn’t true. I wont go down the political road for obvious reasons, but this administration could’ve taken several different routes avoiding congress in order to complete the discharge promises they made, but chose not to. What perhaps could be considered more delusional is the belief that a company that was originally run by the government doesn’t have something to gain by being the last to complete the discharges and dragging this out until January.

Yep, I used to check constantly, but then one day I realized that what’s meant for me will never pass me by. One day…some day…this will all be over. Period! 😊

No luck for me. I’ve been lucky enough to be offered several “good rates” for a personal loan from them tho…does that count? 🤔

YEEES! 😂😂 With those typewriters that use correction tape, and if they make a mistake they just have to start over 😂😂😂

Billions in profit…BILLIONS…

My theory…

Navient is one of the only servicers that seems to be dragging its feet and not giving direct information about discharges…all while continually adding interest. If I’m correct, didn’t Navient used to be Sallie Mae? Government owned? Could it be possible that they are holding out because there is a direct connection to the current administration and all of the legislation currently taking place around student loan forgiveness. I’m starting to think Navient isn’t moving because there is instruction from the government to hold off. I know there’s been a court approved settlement, but in these crazy times, I can’t help but wonder if “the other shoe” will be dropped by congress or the SCOTUS and the government is simply protecting its interest…pun intended.

Buttascoonch! 😂 it’s my favorite word I’ve ever made up and it seems to fit perfectly here! 😂

Wooooow…a real life unicorn! I didn’t think Navient was even an actual company anymore based on the way they’ve gone radio silent on handling discharges!

Hmmm…I’ve never heard of that one. I wonder which relief plan that change happened under. Maybe someone will be able to help explain.

Navient apparently DOES update

It’s the fact that Navient can IMMEDIATELY update their site about upcoming changes in interest and repayment beginning again, AND the announcement from TODAY about IDR, but has no earthly idea (allegedly) when the updates on BD will happen. I’ve been checking their site religiously and calling and the only change I’ve ever seen on their site is additional daily interest. The only correspondence I’ve gotten from them is advertisements to take out a personal loan 😐. So I am utterly SHOCKED to see that Navient actually DOES know what the Dept of Ed is saying, and they do apparently update their site.

sarcastic post

😂😂😂😂🤣 I just came here to laugh at “full class ass” and I’m sure I read it in your voice too! 😂

I know the skin on their chest, hands and legs be PISSED looking at how much effort they put into the skin on their faces! 😩