Final Resting Place

I have been a final resting place for so many pets. When they appear at my home I hope you know I always loved them. No matter how old or gnarled every ancient toothless cat and every abandoned kitten. Any creature that came to my home. I have given every kind of care available to me and loved and loved with so much. I have seen so so much. I have learned so so much. I remember their names, their faces, their paws. Cats that left home with only a few days to live have come to me and I have held them as if they were my own. I would again I would for them or for anyone. I wish to continue to love those with not much time left and to live life with those that do. It is one of the most painful ways to live. To love is to lose and loss is inevitably a part of life. In the end with creatures often there is no headstone or plaque no great written play or script. The memory of a pet is far more precious because it is left up to us to pass down their memories. Because we have known so many it is up to us to be their final resting place.


That is a worry I have as well

Thank you for the tip, she loves water so that would be a great idea.

Thank you she's a black lab so she's about 56 lbs

Best pack for my dog

I'm looking online and didn't know where to start. Would love any recommendations you have, thank you.

Out of context but you can generally remove blood stains with hydrogen peroxide. This has saved my underwear from so many surprises 😅

Tuna pouch with to go mayo and to go relish mixed together and on a tortilla. I like grabbing those condiment packs from gas stations and seeing what I can come up with. I live for the morning beef stick.

I've read a bit online about switching out rinse aid or softener with Citric acid.