That therapist was hella unprofessional. But she wasn’t wrong that Lorelai didn’t really “have” Luke in that moment. Luke was being such a jerk but Lorelai allowing herself to be so terrified to say a single word about how she felt until the diner freak out ultimately ended up being deep self sabotage. Which is sort of her general way she deals with feelings she wants to run away from so of course she ran to Chris to sabotage her life even further.

I wish we saw her still do the freak out but not sleep with Chris. You could have Luke still show up at her house to elope and her still say no (rightfully, honestly), and then they slow build back up to their relationship again in s7.


For sure it’s very sad but by the time you are 21 you’re more formed as a human than losing your mom as young as Joey did

Interesting choice since Joey has the most trauma out of all the characters, between losing her mom and all the dad stuff.

The person given the most normal childhood was Dawson, I just wouldn’t want to be him because he is so annoying as a character

Well… not quite seven, but it does take forever.

Please check back in on your watch!

100000%. She would have run to look so fast even before they were together. Luke is the only person (aside from maybe Sookie) she ever willingly allowed to even have an opinion about Rory without knee jerk rejection of Rory being “HER daughter.”

Re being secure in a relationship that includes Rory, what I found most interesting about this scene is I genuinely believe it Max did the exact same rant Luke did she would see it as a complete overstep. She didn’t want to let Max into their relationship, or anyone before Luke.

This photo was from season 6’s pre season promo. Assume a screener

Out of love. As you pointed out, she explains her thought process in that moment to the therapist in s6 finale.

With that said, Lorelai can have an avoidant personality when bad things are happening, so I think there was a small element of her that also liked the idea of going from a deeply sad feeling to a happy one. I don’t think this was the driver of the proposal though, but it was a byproduct she didn’t hate.

Curious how you think Rory was spoiled by Lorelai.

This scene is why I’m so convinced the first thing she said to Luke when he came to kiss her in 516 was “I love you”

This is mine. She is absolutely destroyed he isn’t choosing her when she is so ready to finally do the fully clown commitment thing she has feared for years, with him specifically

This hurt so much … but the “but I love you Luke. I LOVE you” line in the ultimatum scene absolutely takes me out, especially since it’s the only time she says it in the entire series and Lauren’s acting is on another level there

Lorelai was not ready to commit to anyone, even Luke, until Rory was out of the house. If they got together sooner than that, I don’t think it would have worked out. She was so fiercely protective of that Rory bubble and terrified of losing any single piece of autonomy she had after leaving her parents house.

If they weren’t so protective of their friendship and he wasn’t living in Stars Hollow but was running a diner in let’s say Hartford, I do think they would have hooked up casually sooner. It was like that Rory/Stars Hollow bubble was protecting her from going there until she basically couldn’t deny it anymore

She truly has no mask whatsoever in this scene, she can’t even hide how upset she is.

It’s much more then the housing issue, the city can’t even make people addicted to drugs and with mental health issues go inside when there is housing available

I think that Lorelai would have actually accepted April into the house more than she did Gigi. She wanted and longed to fully merge lives with Luke, whereas she kept Chris at a distance and refused to give in the slightest bit

How would you be paying 2-3k in rent if you were gifted a house? And if you’re using low income housing assistance, you aren’t just taking advantage of what YOU paid into the government, you are taking advantage of what ALL OF US paid into it

And then she goes right back to this pattern and doesn’t tell Luke that him keeping her from April is literally KILLING her soul. If she just approached him to have an honest convo instead of bombarding him with an ultimatum, the result would have been different. Either he hears her and gets on board, makes changes, and they get married in the end or he doesn’t hear her and they at least end on a less tragic note than her sleeping with Chris while in a deeply emotionally distressed state. Her pattern of withholding info from Luke was always about the fear of losing him, which shows she’s actually very all in… just terrible at communicating her emotions

I had a different POV. I didn’t see this as her securing a viable backup. I truly don’t think in these moments she is thinking about Chris that way. I did see it as her continuing her boundary issues with Chris. She is so quick to let him back in her life so it’s her continuing the same pattern she had had for 20 years.

I believe she was firmly two feet solidly on the ground with Luke during these meetups, and knows nothing would happen because she is so “with Luke completely” that she would never let anything happen. But it hits at her OTHER pattern which is cutting partners out of certain parts of her life. I think BECAUSE she is so committed to Luke she doesn’t even realize this is all inappropriate without telling your partner (and even with telling him, the tequila night is questionable). She’s never done it any differently, but the difference between how she did this with Max and Jason is she isn’t putting up walls and withholding information because she believes her partner isn’t entitled to an opinion on it, she ends up lying because she is too afraid to lose him.

Most people are quite capable of seeing a property for what it’s worth without a buyers agent. This comment assumes buyers have so little agency and can’t discern the basics in a walk through