How would ASP have continued this storyline?

s7 includes one of the most hated storylines of Gilmore girls- Lorelai’s marriage to Chris. However, this isn’t really a flaw of that season as much as it is a direct residue of s6. It was ASP who drove Lorelai to her emotional limit. It was her who made a heartbroken Lorelai issue an ultimatum to Luke and take his hesitation as a full blown rejection. And it was ASP who left the show with Lorelai in Chris’ bed in an ill attempt to close the door on any possibility of a relationship with Luke.

So, this storyline was inevitable. Even if ASP had stayed, she would’ve had to resolve this conflict somehow. What do you guys assume her vision was for s7 (and s8)?

If we take AYITL as a point of reference, I’m sure Lorelai and Luke would’ve gotten back together much earlier. The issues they deal with in the revival go hand in hand with where we’d left them in s6. Lorelai feels disconnected from Luke and doesn’t like that they lead separate lives. In order to feel like actual life partners, she needs them to merge their lives in every single area and sees marriage as the solution in that aspect. She does take a short break away from Luke but quickly finds her way back to him once she figures out that she doesn’t want to be away from him, she wants to be closer to him.

Also, ASP directly tells us through Lorelai that her marriage to Chris should’ve never happened and that it was a mistake. So, Lorelai def wouldn’t have married him in ASP’s s7 and probably only dated for a short time, if at all. s6 also includes some scenes that depict Lorelai to be jealous of Anna’s involvement in Luke’s life. Maybe Luke and Anna would’ve even given a romantic relationship a go, although most likely also for a rather short period.

All in all, I think ASP would’ve downplayed the damage she caused and found a quicker and simpler solution to their issues than the s7 writers. If this is the case tho, I have to say I disagree with ASP’s vision. While I hate the fact that Lorelai and Luke were apart for most of the last season, I also appreciate that their problems genuinely appeared to be resolved.

Lorelai realized that there’s no point in keeping Chris around, not even as “back up” in case her relationship with Luke goes south. Her heart’s not in it. Lorelai figured out that she didn’t simply want to be married, she wanted to be married to Luke, which is why it makes sense that she went back to him even after he “tossed her aside” once April came into his life.

I also appreciate that Luke wasn’t given another love interest. He spent s7 solely focusing on solidifying his relationship with his daughter and succeeded. Along the way, he learned to actually lean on Lorelai and accept her parenting advices. Luke realized that Lorelai only strengthened his parenting style and helped bring him and April closer, instead of undermining his capabilities as a father.

I hate that we had to go through all of this for Lorelai and Luke to finally get their happy ending but they also managed to make it all feel rewarding and deserved. I’m not sure if ASP would’ve necessarily done a better job, had she stayed on beyond s6 🤔