It makes me sad to see so many dismissing this question as "some Minecraft geek" bringing game rules to real life. Knowing science doesn't mean you have to give up imagination. Just imagine you have all the money in the world. What tools would you create and what materials would you be using?

I guess Reddit isn't the place for fun. This is a serious site with serious hate and you're not allowed to smile.

Didn't read the story, as the title alone made me think it's an ad or just fake for some other reason. I wanted to read the comments for confirmation. Thank you for this. I can now downvote with confidence.

r/technicallythetruth as often stables are made of wood and Fir might be used (not really).

Not just some likes. These accounts are usually monetized.

Well, the thing is, it's sometimes the way I write. But then again, I'm autistic, so I might seem like a robot to some, when I talk or write LOL

Oooh! That's so interesting! I'm gonna start looking out for these, so I won't give them any recognition. Thank you!

How do you know? I genuinely want to know, because I can't see it.

Joo, tässä itsekin vastasin lapsettoman perheen näkökannalta ja varmaan kysyjäkin on vielä ja/tai tulevaisuudessa myös. Aina pitää katsoa tilanteita uudelleen, kun talouden tilanne muuttuu ja lapsellisuus tekee elämästä ihan erilaisen. Silloin ei ole enää minä ja sinä, vaan lapset.

Juuri tämä. Toinen saattaa maksella alle 400 euroa kuussa lainanlyhennystä, kun toinen laittaa saman verran laskuihin. Jos pahin tapahtuisi, että laina on pelkästään sitä maksavan nimissä ja tulee ero, sitä tosissaan tietää asuneensa "vuokralla" parisuhteessa. Mikään ei ole paskempi tunne, kuin huomata, että olet ollut vain taloushelpotus kumppanille.

Meillä toimii niin, että molemmat laittavat oman prosenttiosuuden tuloistaan taloustilille, josta maksetaan yhteisen talouden kaikki yhteiset maksut; laskut (myös puhelinlaskut, vaikka ne voisi katsoa henkilökohtaisiksi, mutta ei henkilökohtaisia vakuutuksia), ruoat + juomat (myös ravintola), yhteiset hankinnat ja lemmikkien kustannukset. Tuota prosenttiosuutta pitää osata tarkastella heti, kun taloudessa muuttuu joku asia. Esim. jos ottaa ylimääräisen vakuutuksen, se on maksettava jostain, joten se on pois sekä omista käyttörahoista, että talousrahoista, koska siitä on välillisesti hyötyä koko taloudelle, vaikka kyseessä olisi oma henkilökohtainen sairausvakuutus. Jos hankkii jotain isompaa ihan itselle, se menee omista henkilökohtaisista säästöistä.

Me laitamme tällä hetkellä rahoja kutakuinkin näin: noin puolet palkasta menee taloustilille, jonka jälkeen laitan rahaa sivuun kahteen eri indeksirahastoon, pienen määrän laitan ns. säästötilille, jonne kerrytän rahaa isompia hankintoja varten, koska en osta koskaan osamaksulla. Loput, mitä jää, menee omiin tarpeisiin, kuten bensaan tai harrastuksiin ja lääkkeisiin.

Koska kyseessä on tietty prosenttiosuus omasta palkasta, vähemmän tienaava laittaa automaattisesti vähemmän rahaa talouden tarpeisiin, mutta myös omiin tarpeisiin.

Yes, I did. And I read the scientific paper linked in there, as well. The author also recognizes, that "although research into prosopagnosia may propose links between visual imagery and face recognition abilities, the relationship is not always clear cut." And "It is important to make clear that although prosopagnosics as a group tend to report weaker visual imagery, there is nevertheless variation in the imagery levels reported by prosopagnosic individuals (Grueter et al., 2007; Grüter et al., 2009; Tree & Wilkie, 2010).

A hypothesis comes after. You can't have an idea, without an opinion.

I think you're mistaking hedgers to edgers. But I get your point.

Gardener here. I own an edger and I'm not in my boomer years. Far from it.

Loud is subjective. Not everyone thinks power tools are unnecessarily noisy. What they are, is essential to get a job done in decent amount of time. This is why they've been invented. The fact that you have misophonia, doesn't make other people AHs.

Also, how people want their gardens to look, determine what tools they use. An edger is very handy, if there are pathways in grass. A good portion of plants will damage concrete when let over grow and an edger helps prevent this damage.

To your point, that edgers don't have to be loud, well that's a choice between electric, cordless and gasoline powered tools. In some places electricity is more costly, that gasoline. Here's the thing though. Your anger toward noise, won't help your neighbour choose their tools. Your emotions only effect you.

I like the thought of this revenge, but I hope you live in a part of the world, where insulation isn't needed in the walls of a house, because a power washer can be powerful enough to penetrate the grout between the bricks and if it sips into the insulation, you now have water damage that is very difficult to dry out.

I don't have prosopagnosia, per say, but my ability to recall a face after a certain amount of time, is fading. If I haven't seen my own mother in a month, I can only recall what she looks like, by looking at a photo of her. But as soon as I see someone, I remember who they are. It might take a while, if they're someone like a cashier at my local shop. I put this into the Very Poor Working Memory-category.

Prosopagnosia or face blindness is different to Aphantasia.

Can you remember things you hear or smell? Like, when I was a kid, I knew what my parents and siblings footsteps sounded like. I would listen for them, if we were, say, at the grocery store and knew where they walked. That is, if they were close enough to hear.

What I'm trying to say is, if you can't see faces, maybe you could learn to remember footsteps or the smell of aftershave/perfume/fabric softener of the people that you interact with daily?

Can it be a symptom of chronic exhaustion due to over stimulation? For a lot of us neurodivergents, just having to be social, listen to sounds and even going to the shop to smell smells and see moving objects (people), is exhausting enough to not get a good nights sleep. Even a weekend might not be enough rest to get over a week at work.