The United States was neutral because the new nation couldn't be caught up in European entanglements.

The United States had no beef with France. They had mutual respect for each other. France would go on to gift the United States the statue of Liberty as a sign of good will.

France liked united states and they liked them. The French Revolution wasn't due to bankruptcy alone. The French Monarchy had been bankrupt before. Many French military realized they fought for American rights, that they didn't even have. Even then,the King was more than willing to compromise. Unfortunately, there was also a crop failure in France. People couldn't afford food and then things boiled over.

After all of that, the United States and France were still on favorable terms.

Napoleon would sell the United States the Louisiana purchase at a discount. This was because the United States was not interested in interfering with his affairs.

They never planned to have absolutely no taxes. They wanted to give the people representatives that they could vote for. You don't like the guy? Vote him out.

The American Revolution changed the world in more ways than you know. The British would have excuted the revolutionaries. The French revolution might not have happened, if The American Revolution wasn't successful. Napoleon wouldn't have rose to power. The Louisiana Purchase wouldn't have happened. American expansion west wouldn't have happened.

Slavery would have died out or been outlawed.

America would not have a civil war and would not emerge as a powerhouse. Many inventors might not have emerged as America would not have much economic clout.

America would have less impact in WWI and WW2 and that could have tipped the wars the other way.

Moss fits better with the 2024 Bengals scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bengals picked up one more RB to have a three person committee.

Zack Moss was mainly RB2 but was good when he had to step in to RB1.

At the beginning of offseason The Bengals had Mixon who is a workhorse but really can't do pass pro.

Zack Moss is not a workhorse but is good at pass pro when asked. Moss is also a bit better at breaking tackles than Mixon. He should be very solid.

The Bengals show a fundamental change in direction in run game with Zack Moss. RB by committee is incoming.

Don't forget that the Bengals have the fastest RB in the NFL in Chase Brown.

How do the Bengals split snaps with run game? That reaims to be seen. Assuming that Williams and Evans don't get expanded roles

Is it 50/50 Zack Moss and Chase Brown? 80/20? 90/10? It will be interesting to see.

Profiles in Courage outlines some thoughts of representatives. 'Should you vote according to your personal interests, or according to what your constituents want?" Should you use your position for personal gain? Or should you use it for the good of the nation?

There's also something that comes into play. Your party line. Sometimes doing the right thing will cost you the support of your party and often it will cost you your seat of power. Then everything you worked for is gone and you have no say anymore.

The British actually tried to enlist the natives to help them fight. As it turns out, the Natives abandoned the British when they started to lose.

Of course,this was part of several miscalculations by the British. They thought most of Americans were loyalists,turns out it wasn't enough to help much.

Almost everything I enjoyed when I was a kid I can enjoy now. The joy of having children is you can do it all and people view you positively.

Creepy old guy on a swing? With kids you are just being a good dad

Creepy old guy sled riding alone? With kids you are just being a fun dad.

But the truth is I still enjoy some of the stuff just as much as my kids.

It brings back those sweet memories of being a care free kid and sharing a laugh with my friends. Those days of sweet innocence, blissful ignorance of most of the world.

It's hard to really hate someone. Certain players talked trash and couldn't play well, they were annoying ones. Trash talk and shit play, just makes you look bad.

On the other hand, if you talk trash and are awesome then it's funny. Ja'mar Chase has some funny stuff with one liners and little videos he's made. T He's funny because he's a top 5-10 WR, he can back it up.

I am always with myself. If not I would not be myself.

Americans: "No taxation without representation."

British: "Our response? We add more taxes."

Americans: "You are making us mad. Stop it."

British: "What was that? You want more taxes? You got it!"

Americans: "That's it! We are dumping your tea in the harbor and boycotting British goods. Stop it or else.

British: "Actually we are making a law saying you may only trade with Britian. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!"

Americans: "Well, you forced our hand. We declare independence."

British: "What's all this? This is a surprise. We were nothing but kind to you. It's ok, you'll never win anyways."

Americans: "Hey France, you in on this?"

France: "But of course! Hey Spain and the Dutch, you want in as well?"

Spain and the Dutch: "Sure, why not?"

British: "Uh... well.. this is unexpected. We will see our way out. "

We would be Intriguing to them, but they probably wouldn't be interested in revealing themselves to us. Giving us advanced knowledge or technology is like giving a two year old a loaded shot gun. It won't end well.

Assuming aliens are more advanced than we are, there are various reasons. One, we really would have nothing to offer them that would benefit them in any way. If they were more advanced they would have no need of someone so primitive.

It's like if we are watching animals or tribal groups. They are intriguing, but really offer nothing to our benefit.

Two, they see how humans act towards each other. We are often violent in nature.

They also may not see our civilization to be ready for them to contact. If they were to share any technology with us, we may very well use it to destroy ourselves.

Two of them and a can of Copenhagen for later.

Fuck you for asking stupid ass questions. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.

Did I pass? Am I in the asshole club? How do I get in with the assholes?

I know punters have one year slumps and such. That's normal. Unfortunately, Robbins ranked near the bottom of the NFL punters. This was even with several new punters on a few teams. This had to be a factor in bringing in competition at punter.

Robbins is known for hang time,The new guy is known for booming kicks.

Also,let's keep in mind that the NFL changed some rules regarding kickoffs and such. That comes into play with evaluating punters in the future.

The punter battle is going to be interesting but by no means does Robbins have to job in the bag.

The Bengals brought on Austin McNamara as a UDFA. McNamara was very good in college and should provide competition for Brad Robbins.

Perhaps not obscure in name, but many modern peoplr do not know the story.
Cincinnatus - he was a statesman in the Roman Kingdom . He worked a small farm until his people requested his leadership, due to an invasion.

He was given all the powers of the state by the senate. He called for troops to assemble and quickly quelled the invasion.

Once the invasion was quelled He relinquished his power, disbanded his army and went back to his farm. He only had power for 15 days.

Later, he came out of retirement again to deal with another leader trying to bribe his way to be king of Rome. Again senate gave him all the power. Cincinnatus again raised an army. He deposed the corrupt leader and once again resigned. His second term was 21 days.

Most leaders who were given supreme power didn't relinquish it. Cincinnatus relinquished it twice.

Not Trump, because the military is still interested in following the constitution for now. They just vote red because red tends to fund them more.

I guess we should say overwhelming military support for a revolt.(not just the vote).

I think it would take a great deal more military corruption to get that kind of support. It still is possible with the right conditions or motivations.

I don't know my bosses resume. But I guess I could peice things together. But I am too lazy. I just wouldn't have responded to any ping on the weekend as I am not on the clock.

Aristotle views summed up Roman views.