Wait… What does this have to do with Scorpios though? 🧐

Omg I looovvveee Pisces!!!! And also… woahhhh about the dude!! If I met a guy with 4 stelliums, I’d likely fall for him too! I hope he’s good! 🥹 Is having a 5th H stellium cool? Like extra lovey? I feel like having Venus in my first house makes me super squishy and highly motivated by love 😂😅 I never talk about this stuff with people! It’s so cool!

Nice to meet you too!! Yes, definitely wild ;D (And DEEP)!

I have Scorpio, Sag, 11th and 12th House stelliums! What are yours? I saw you have Scorp and I think Aries, (if I remember right?) which is a cool combo!

I get what you mean for sure without the intimacy component, it’s different… but I dunno, I’m still kind of a freak 🤓

having said that honestly, I do not find “hot guy shit” funny… I cringed! 😣 I’m saying it with love. Your photo clearly shows you as objectively hot; I literally thought it to myself. But don’t say it in your profile… that won’t serve you.

I was going to say “hot” and now on slide 2 I understand why! I cannot escape Leo’s!

I’m curious what urged you to dig in the first place? Sometimes our bodies try to tell us things that our minds are not prepared to admit.

I’ve literally been told before that my silence is deafening lollll

Ew. Coming into Scorpios house and acting crazy like this.

Forgive for grieving? Good lord, you are allowed to grieve in whatever way you NEED. They should be able to understand that. Also, I literally do not ever hold grudges, I’ve got the depths of my overthinking to do, I do not have time for grudges. Plus I’m loyal to a fault, so I just want to love again.

Omggg I also have 4 stelliums! You’re the first person I’ve seen other than me! (Although I wouldn’t say I’ve really looked lol)

What did he say when you asked why?

No, I am the most consistent person for my people and inconsistent people in dating are such a turn off. Scorpios are the ultimate ride or die, I don’t know what that hot/ cold nonsense is about.

Intimacy often requires communication? I’m very communicative about my feels!

Yeah those are not Scorpio traits. That’s just shitty. You deserve better!

First, 🩷🩷🩷🩷 hugs 🩷🩷🩷 and second, do you ever work on self concept? Like reprogramming your subconscious especially with affirmations like you are worthy of love and commitment? You decide if that sounds right for you, but I hope you know you’re worthy of someone who will just be open with you about their feelings!

Awww 🩷 This is such a good answer! :) I’m a Scorp sun and fellow air sign Libra moon.


I am a Scorpio sun with a Scorpio and 12H stellium. Scorpios are realer than real. We (at least the ascended ones) don’t play games and the thing I personally cannot stand the most is fakery. First of all, if he’s even peripherally aware of you, he’s probably already aware of your gaze, so just say something to him. You have nothing to lose. Be 100% real with him (respectfully) and see what he says. Regardless of what he says, he’ll still be flattered. If someone shows me that they’re consistently real with me, I would literally go to the ends of the earth for them.

Edit: The first night I hung out with my Leo, I told him I was legitimately blinded by my attraction for him and was having a hard time thinking straight. It was the truth and he melted and I’ve been wrapping him around my little finger since.

Tell him exactly how you feel. Scorpios are REAL AF and we respond the best to people authentically pouring their hearts out and not holding back. The worst thing that happens is that you learn he doesn’t feel the same way, but you literally have nothing to lose! The clarity you’ll gain is a win win. Good luck :). Also, who cares about different countries. If it’s meant to be, it will be.

There are lost souls in every sign. My ex is a Cancer and is a serial abusive narcissist, but many of my closest friends are Cancers. Lots of people associate us Scorpios (especially the males) with being malevolent, but in my experience (and for myself personally 😅), that isn’t true. I personally find Leos to be very honest and loyal (and sexy AF), but that’s just my experience.

I loooveeee Leos. I think Scorpios are so similar to Leos; we’re just quieter and more mysterious.