Idk it’s been a bit if a wake-up call seeing all the “no contact/should I reach out” posts about/concerning Scorpios.

Personally, I have been rung out completely dry. I have almost no energy to hold space for other people’s drama - let alone the drama that can arise in my life.

I have been like that in the past too. I enjoyed intensity in relationships, and sometimes created some with drama.

I literally used to glorify toxic relationships thinking “it’s so passionate.” The majority of people here will soon learn there’s no (real/lasting) passion in these relationships.

But after all the rabbit-chasing, I’m honestly left with nothing but a drained heart, body, and wallet.

Almost all of my dating experience is online - anybody can reply nowadays. If they aren’t reaching out, pondering will not help this.

With any scorpio influence at all, it’s important to remember not to dwell for long.