Sylvia Sybil

Arthur Alfred

Marigold Mae

Henry Hugo

Edith Esther


Alice Charlotte

Alfred Clark

Abigail Clare

Arthur Charles

Agnes Catherine

I have 3 kids. All 3 contact napped and fed to sleep. With my first, I felt like I was doing something wrong. But with my next 2 I gave no effs. Just smile and nod and carry on doing what feels right to you!

I think I was 7 when my mum brought me a makeup kit because I wouldn't leave her stuff alone. I rarely wear makeup now, but when I do, my 8 year old boy and 3 year old girl want to use some too.

In terms of wearing makeup out. Whenever they're old enough to do it well themselves, a little light makeup would be okay by me. I'm assuming double digits, so 11 sounds okay to me.

I'm in NZ and it doesn't get above 30 where I live. Even in the late 20s I'm dying and won't go outside if I can help it. I can only imagine 44.

Ooh yes. I've had 3 sections, and that case makes me so mad. I would have far preferred natural births. There is nothing easy about laying on an operating table and being cut open. I was terrified all 3 times. But I did what the professionals told me was safest.

About a week, maybe less. I've had very straightforward recoveries with mine. Just go by how you're feeling.

1st baby - fancy chocolates

2nd baby - I think it was a nice bowl or vase or something.

3rd baby - some roses out of my garden (I was struggling to get out of the house with 3 kids).

We introduced a little shot glass of water with meals for our 6mo and seeing him reach for it and try to hold it himself is so sweet. His tiny hands on his tiny cup, my heart.

A water table is what I'm planning to get my son for either his first birthday or Christmas. I've been meaning to get one for my now 3yo daughter for ages do I think they'll both enjoy it.

We went "in for a penny in for a pound" and stopped preventing when #1 was 6 months. It ended up taking until he was 4 to get and stay pregnant. I really enjoyed having a 5 year age gap.

We did the same again and never really prevented after #2 was born. We got pregnant with #3 after 2 years. The smaller age gap has been a lot more difficult but also very cute, and I'm excited to see what it looks like as they get older.

Not terrible at all! I have an 8yo, a 3yo, and a 6mo. The 3yo is twice as hard as the other 2 put together. This age is just haaard!

Yes, I've already agreed to that. My point is that you (as in the poster I was replying to) can't say we should dress our children a certain way because "it's worked for hundreds of years" when in fact 100 years ago our gender norms for dress were completely different.

Even if you have 1 of each, you get commentary. It's "positive" commentary. But it's still weird.

"Aren't you clever?" Not particularly

"You're so lucky!" Yes, to be having a baby at all after 4 years of trying and 2 miscarriages.

"You must be done having kids." Weirdly, our kids genitals don't define our family size.

I have an 8 year old son. He plays soccer. He attends a weekly practice and games on Saturday. I don't expect him to do more than that. I don't expect him to excel. I only expect him to do hobbies for the enjoyment of them.

Does any kid enjoy doing homework? I don't live in the US. My understanding is that things are a bit more intense over there. But my son's only homework is to practice spelling words. I think it's unreasonable to expect kids to do much more than that after spending 6 hours at school.

No one is arguing that you have to put your son in a dress. They are arguing with the concept that clothing is inherently gendered. It's not. There is nothing inherently feminine about a dress. In most cultures men/boys have worn clothing resembling dress or skirt at some point in history.

I liked stretchy wraps in the early months with all mine. They might seem daunting at first, but once you figured out how to tie them, they are actually really easy to use, and they keep baby nice and close and snuggly

So normal! 2 months is still so little. Before you know it baby will begin to have more time awake and you will be able to engage them while you get other stuff done. If you have a wrap or carrier that might help you get some things done.

Because as a blonde woman with a blonde husband and a blonde son, I spent my entire pregnancy with my daughter picturing a little blonde girl. So when she came out with flaming red hair, it felt like we had been choosing names for the wrong person.

Penny and Jane seemed to suit a sweet little blondie but weren't right for a sassy redhead. So we decided on Molly. Which we hadn't even discussed while pregnant. And we've been told by multiple people how well it suits her.

I've found that once they reach about school age, there isn't as much available for them anyway. I think because older kids can wear things for longer and they get worn out.

When I go out opshopping, I will find heaps for my baby and 3yo but only 1 or 2 nice things, if I'm lucky, for my 8yo.

Absolutely, and that's my point. What is considered "acceptable" is constantly changing. So it's disingenuous to suggest that we should stick with the status quo "because that's how it's always been."

It hasn't worked for "hundreds of years" because only just over 100 years ago, little boys wore dresses and gowns.

Today I told my 8yo that he is "my favourite oldest son." I used to tell him that he was my favourite kid. But 3 years ago I had my daughter so I started telling him he was my favourite son. But 6 months ago his little brother arrived so now its favourite oldest or favourite 8 year old.

Thanks! I'll listen to that tonight!!

How old was she? I'm wondering if this would work on my stubborn daughter.

Solidarity. He sounds just like my daughter. We haven't tried toys yet but we tried chocolate and that still didn't get her using the toilet. She's incredibly strong willed.