Are there any mothers to boys only who get these unnecessary comments for example when i was pregnant with my second and third (different pregnancies) on the gender reveal party i keep getting these comments after we found out its a boy

oh don’t worry hopefully the next one is a girl

oh…another boy…. (With an underwhelmed tone)

ughh i can’t imagine raising all boys hahaha

not happy with the results are we hahaha ha Etc

Am i overthinking it or was my pregnancy effecting me because i really think these comments are unnecessary, uncalled for and rude. I love my boys all 3 of them and even if time goes back and i have a magic spell that would turn one of them to a girl i wouldn’t use it and its not that i don’t want a daughter i do but these comments rub me the wrong way everytime

Am i being unreasonable or do these comments really justify getting upset over