That's prime feet rinsing water right there

Never forget . .. who the real assholes have always been.

I'm from New Jersey and my ancestors were from Poland, count me in!

How are you doing now? I feel like I could have written your post myself. I'm just now starting month 3 and only halfway to goal (lost 20 of 40). I want to be done after 4 months bc I'm worried months 5 and 6 will be kind of a waste of money with tolerance (paying $150 per month). Are you still losing even after no month-long break? Have you made a plan for how to eventually wean? I'm thinking of taking my final month of pills and stretching it to slowllllly and increasingly taper down over the course of like 2 months (hopefully still losing a little each week???). I'm still averaging 2.5 pounds per week but there's no way that will last lol.

I know this post is old but do you mind sharing your experience with what happened in terms of billing for months 4-6? I'll be at the end of my 3 month prescription in 4 weeks but my auto draft payment date is next week. I'm wondering if they are going to bill me despite not having any refills left. And if so, will it be refunded if I have the appointment with the provider and they don't prescribe a refill? I'm reading elsewhere that the $150 is the cost to talk to the provider and the meds are "free" and I think that is ridiculous. Anyway, thanks for any info you might have

Was it because you didn't weigh enough?

Billing for phentermine without having a prescribed refill?

My 3 month prescription of phentermine is going to end soon. My billing date will likely happen before I even meet with a provider to discuss next steps and I would like to know what to expect. Will I be auto drafted even if there are no refills left? Does it cost $150 just to talk to the provider, even if it's determined that no more phentermine will be sent?

Bring your own hot dog and walk by taking a bite while holding direct eye contact.

Ok thank you. They started me on the extended release and my results have been similar to yours. The first month was whoa 15 pounds! Then 8 the second month. I can tell I'm getting resistant to it with still a whole month left in pills and wonder if switching to semiglutide would be better. Do you have to be obese at the time they prescribe it? Because I crossed that threshold already and now I'm just overweight. Still need to lose 20 pounds to get into normal. Do you like the ora semil? I heard it wasn't quite as effective as the shots and would love to know how you're doing on it.

Phentermine month 4-6

I am in month 3 of phentermine and not sure how billing works for the follow-up appointment I need to complete before getting a refill for another 3 months. If my 4th payment of $150 gets taken before I meet with the provider, and they do not approve a refill for phentermine, will I be refunded the $150? Or is that the cost just to meet with them to tell me no more meds.

Hey do you mind if I ask you how getting your phentermine Rx for months 4-6 went? I just started month 3 and wondering, did they make you take a break before refilling? Did they charge you for the 4th month before even having the follow-up appointment near the end of month 3? I don't really want to pay another $150 just to have them tell me too bad so sad, no more meds. I sure hope you were able to get your issue resolved!

Oh I thought she said the parents paid for that vacation?. The ones that came after ..wouldn't she have just used tiktok funds to pay for them? If she spent the entire GFM on that one round of IVF, how would there be any left for anything else?

$25k is nothing and I don't get why people think that all didn't go to IVF when we know she was at it for years. I bet they spent at least $100k total on IVF. 4 retrievals and 7 transfers is bonkers expensive.

Losing a pregnancy that early (immediately after a positive test) is just a chemical pregnancy, An actual miscarriage is more than just disappointment, it's a medical ordeal. Had she not tested it would have just been a delayed period, and she wouldn't know any different. It was a failed transfer. Still sad, but hardly a trauma to cry about 4 years later. Rich white lady problems ๐Ÿ™„

Oh my God I completely remember what you're talking about and I didn't even think of that. Gross!

My insurance covered IVF to the point where an entire full round (stims, retrieval, transfer) plus anesthesia, and near daily blood work/ultrasound (dildo cam) only cost me like 3 grand out of pocket. That's only 10% of the full cost of everything. How much did the GFM generate? I thought it was only like 50k.

Can someone link the TT account? I can't find it just by searching

"I'm not STRESSED who are you calling STRESSED?"

"Awww thanks for your concern but I'm ok, really. I know it seems stressful and so many would find it that way, but I'm good. Thanks for your support. Have a good one!"

Tracking cycles doesn't usually mean testing though. You can take your waking temperature with a basal thermometer or even just identify and take note of ewcm mid cycle. Hell just keep tabs on your period dates in an app. That's what sane people do to track their cycle. This is clearly TTC under the guise of, oh I'm just casually checking in on how my body is peeing in a coffee cup 12 days out of each month?

But never tell her that stress can fuck up your fertility bc clearly stress is just the best thing for all bodily functions. Nevermind that the body will struggle to ovulate when cortisol is too high. Must be a myth. Reduced blood flow to the uterus during fight or flight? Nah, thats made up too. Clearly the best thing to do to get pregnant is obsess to the point of mental illness.

This part! You cannot on one hand remind everyone how grueling the 2ww is, and on the other hand say "no it's no big deal at all, you're just a bitch for even bringing it up."

People ask questions because they want to understand the process and what she's going through. They are looking for depth beyond the surface of vanilla beige. They are looking to hear what natural TTC after IVF feels like and wondering how she manages. They're wondering how/why she makes the stress worth it.

But instead she's like not even open to the slightest form of engagement that tramples the facade of "shhhhhh everything is perfect."

After years and years of relapsing just weeks after finishing treatment ($$$$) I finally knocked my most recent sibo out with stupid high doses or berberine and allimed. Have been in remission for months now using motilpro. Refused to change my diet too bc pizza and beer is life. There is ALWAYS hope. Your GI sounds patronizing AF. What a douche.