You are the world's biggest grifter.

Posting a 14 minute long video of you trying to force yourself to cry because you were "half naked with a wand up your hoo ha" is the FUNNIEST shit I have seen in a long time.

Intro 00s - 45s: You were genuine & people truly did support you when you first started sharing your journey. It wasn't about the money for you back then, and you were someone that had an awesome opportunity to bring real awareness & help to the struggles of families dealing with IVF & the aftermaths of it - but you sure dropped the ball on that one.

HALF NAKED - WAND1!!!1 1:00m-2:30m: According to the NIH in 2021, "An estimated 23 million miscarriages occur every year worldwide, translating to 44 pregnancy losses each minute." I'm not downplaying the physical & emotional toll that miscarriage causes. What I am saying is that YOU ARE NOT THE MINORITY. You are not "unique" from everyone else. In fact, there are people who have had even more struggles than you. Please take a second to truly listen to the stories of others - nobody should feel bad for you just because you have a bigger platform than others. You need to humble yourself.

That sweet, sweet moolah 3:00m-5:00m: You were not poor. Yes, IVF is expensive. You live in a really nice community, Little Lad had a good job.. You may have had a big financial burden, but you were not poor. Acupuncture and your supplements were elective things. Why did it take this long for you to acknowledge that these donations were a "insane, huge blessing"? People hate crowdfunding someone who doesn't actually need the $$$. Lest we forget when you had items on your baby registry, which you have posted publicly on tiktok, that were $1,000+? You have posted an Amazon wishlist for P's birthday in the past as well? Yet the money was still "rolling in" (as you said earlier about the brand deals) and you were making $ off tiktok.

UR JUST JEALOUS 5:30m-6:25m: Our concerns do not come from jealousy. I'm not struggling, yet you'd consider me to be "harassing you". Mommy.Butter was not harassing you. The subreddit does not harass you. The only comment I've disagreed with from anyone speaking "against you" is the comment about your weight. Everything else that has been said? Warranted & valid.

TiMeShArE 6:30m-7:25m: Once again, see my comment above. YOU ARE NOT POOR. You & your husband are well above the poverty line, and it sounds like his parents are too! You didn't have to post about the vacation. YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOU SHARE ON YOUR PLATFORM. It's on you! You could have easily said "We're going on vacation, I'll talk to everyone when we get back!" and left it at that. Nobody needs to know where you're going. If you want to post about your vacations, just make a private instagram separate from tiktok.

"Call my attorney!1!" 7:30m & beyond: There is no "false claims". There is no proof that you DID use the $ for IVF. We have NO PROOF other than your own verbal affirmations that the funds were indeed all used for IVF, yet we all know your a lying crock of shit anyways, so how well does that actually hold up in the grand scheme of things? No judge or LEO is going to take you seriously.

You're not the only one who had a hard IVF journey. I don't think anyone would have disparaged your INFERTILITY CLINIC and accuse them of not "doing a good job". You are the reason if anyone did share any concerns regarding the decisions made because YOU SHARED THEM online. That's on YOU!!!

You hate when people harass you, it bothers you that Mommy.Butter made the tiktoks about you, yet you felt okay enough to BRING MORE ATTENTION to it? Now you have pushed her off the platform, when we need more people like her to stand up and call you out on your lies.

Final notes:

You are a performative, grifting LIAR. Your husband is a spineless, cowering dog. Your children deserve better from you. You NEED to get off the internet & spend time with the two children you "experienced so much loss" in order to have. Don't even get me started on how you shouldn't be posting your children to a social media platform that is riddled with P3DOs.