:Doc: nimble as a forest creature

Duels have existed since before the West and cowboys. The Western dramatized them for sure. But Bill and Seth shooting that dude was not remotely close to a duel or a quickdraw.

Guy was mounted first of all. It was two on one, and guy was making a desperate attempt to escape being taken to jail, not meeting them at noon in the town square.

You’re gonna get shit on a ton for your post but I want you to know that I get what you’re trying to say. Please give it a lil more thought and really try to hear what some of the people in the comments are saying.

They’re not wrong, but some of them seem to have gone into full defense mode and lack the etiquette necessary to help someone further their opinion.

As Audre Lorde said, “The internet makes cunts of us all.”

How big a bag did you get?

When I stopped drinking (don’t worry, it wasn’t permanently like some fucking nerd) I’d go through one of those 2lb family size bags pretty much every other day.

I’m convinced SPK’s are a universal CA’s crutch.

:Doc: nimble as a forest creature

Al knows the claim is good cause Dan finds gold when he heads down to finish off Brom after he pushed him over the cliff edge.

Al sends Dan and Ellsworth to ensure Seth finds the gold vein. Thats what’s “to the right.” Seth doesn’t trust Al or Dan at all, which is why they use Ellsworth as a “neutral” middle man. To at least pretend to be honestly surprised about the claim striking rich.

Al is acting as though that claim being rich is news to him because if it is known that Al knew, that points all the fingers in his direction for Broms murder.

Al is basically giving up on the claim because any further investigation of Broms death brings eyes and possibly Pinkertons. Which Al very much does not want.

(Walks into sub and reads the post)

(Backs out and checks the sign to make sure it’s unpopularopinion and not almostoffensivelydumbasshitopinion)

Don’t think so highly of yourself. They nothing you. Giving a shit would be an improvement.

There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that they aren’t a careless company but rather that they just fucking suck at making fun games.

His clothes say "country karaoke performance" but his eyes say he's being actively pushed into a wood chipper.

:Doc: nimble as a forest creature

I always took it as his way of keeping Jewel from doing really hard physical labor.

He gives her a fair amount of shit, but he cares for her in his own Al way, and knows how difficult it is on her body.

So as with all things Al, he'll hoot and holler. Puff his chest and pontificate. Have his tantrum. Then self examine and make amends.

(Also, what Rax said.)

Ohhh come now, OP clearly stated they all want to die.

And OP is a newborn baby so they know what’s going on.

Yea that’s where I’m at with Eden-6. Aesthetically I love it. Conceptually I love it. The characters and the stories around the environment are crazy fun. Hammerlock and Jakobs are so enjoyable.

Huge ass warships with entire jungles growing through them. Cyborg-hive-mind dinosaurs and I think the entire Balex beat is a blast.

But the map just doesn’t feel easily traversable. It seems like it’s too empty (it’s not) and takes forever to get from any A to B. I can’t really place why.

First play through aside, every time I arrive on that planet I stop playing for a few days. I literally got there yesterday and was like, “…Ya know, maybe I’ll try out A Plague Tale.”

“Sorry I’m late but traffic has been exactly the same way its always been everyday of my life.”

I was 17, working at an Italian restaurant. This regular started choking. It was a good one too, he wasn’t coughing or anything, no air at all was coming or going.

He gets up and starts pacing, holding his throat in the agreed upon “I’mfuckingchokingholyshitpleasehelp” sign.

I remembered seeing the Heimlich on TV (this is 2000) and I just mimicked it. No training. Never even tried it before. He spit out the hazard after a few pulls. Grasps at his ability to breathe again. Regains his composure and is like “Oh, thanks.” And sits down. His wife says, “Sorry.”

They go back to eating.

Every adult in this packed restaurant who just witnessed some kid save a grown man collectively did not give one single shit.

The couple didn’t even leave anything more than their usual tip.

It was the weirdest reaction.

Legend has it no one I’ve ever told this story to since has given a shit either.

:Doc: nimble as a forest creature

I love Sol. He and Al switch as my number one almost weekly cause he is just so God damn unshakably good hearted and savvy as fuck.

And yet whenever I see John Hawkes the first character I think of isn’t Sol, but Pete Bottoms, the gas station employee at the beginning of From Dusk Til Dawn.

There was a driving game called Stuntman for the PS2. It was cool as fuuuuuck but you needed to be pinpoint accurate with every direction in every scene while also going as fast possible.

Loved it.

With an E-Kit you are essentially buying 1,000’s of different drums and accessories.

I’m positive you’ll have a cowbell setting somewhere in there and you’ll he able to place that sound anywhere you want on the kit. You can make the bass drum the cowbell, the snare the cowbell, the tom rims the cowbell.

You can make an E Kit nothing but cowbells if ya like. The world is yours my friend.

:Doc: nimble as a forest creature


That’s so cool.

I like the setup and that awesome explosion of color on the ceiling.

But I like your wholesome and encouraging responses to everyone the most.

You literally did not say that within this conversation and I literally (in the real way) did not say what you quoted.

This game and the characters all fucking rule for the last reason you mentioned. The complexity.

We get it, you don’t like anyone in the game and people aren’t able to make terrible decisions.

I’m also gonna say Mel fuckin my rules.

You’re being too kind. That theory is dumb as shiiiiit.

Forget the fact that similar facial hair is just the wildest of stretches, Manny is Mexican and Neil is Israeli.

So, I guess, super fuck that theory and those who peddle it.

You’ve only heard it’s bad because people hate this game.

The people who hate this game, not have justifiable gripes with certain things but hate it, will say “because it’s woke.”

Then you’ll ask them, because you’re not a tree stump, “what was woke about it?”

And they’ll answer with a variety of things that terrify them because they are either cunts or impossibly shallow, but more than likely a sweet combination of both.

Those people have no room in their heads for women or trans people or story or dialogue. They just have room for cock. Joel’s cock. Man cock. Man story.

Which is hilarious cause they tend to be terrified of the thoughts of cock that plague their waking life.

They’re a fun bunch. They’ll be here shortly.

Also, Owen fucking rules.

Nightclubs are just big conference rooms and you’re dorky as fuck if you go to them regularly.

I like the idea here. I really do. You’re cancelling cause you aren’t going in so you have to go in.

Planet Fitness makes most its money not on active members but on members who don’t use the gym and are too put off/embarrassed to cancel.

The odds of you continuing to pay $10 a month are much higher if, in order to stop, you have to tell a pretty guy or gal you’re not gonna workout.

That’s why I get a Gold’s membership and get super jacked every year before I go cancel my PF membership.