For reals. Battlefield 2042 should've been humans v aliens/cyborgs and just gone full futuristic

This is the exact reason why you continue to vaccinate for diseases until they are globally eradicated

Yeah, I kinda got excited when I saw summoned in the Konoha Crush arc. I thought "yeah, even the odds, 2 v 3 isn't terrible"

Then he turned him into a stick.

I'm pretty sure that offsides only counts if it's a teammate that passes you the ball and you're too far back. If the other team gives it to you that's ok.

Honest question, why don't they just push it out farther into space to get it out of orbit?

Or is it all about trying to recover pieces that land?

I always thought it was more like chakra vision than x-ray vision.

I don't know about all of the EU, but when I went to Spain I sure missed free public toilets.

I really don't think we've seen all Hidan can do, and I also think that being partnered with Kakuzu made him more careless.

While I'm not sure how he'd fair against most of the Akatsuki, I do think he'd give them all trouble.

Except Sasori. Sasori Is the perfect counter to Hidan.

List is worthless.

No way the Celtics are anything above a Triple F tier.

Lol, all Jiraiya had to do to stop Pain was to not train them. The dude spent how long training them? He could've instead just taken the time to bring them to a safer place and not taught them any ninjutsu.

I've seen that, and it only supports my argument that he's bad but not bottom 2

I see you've never had to deal with a pouting child.

This is the real answer. Hidan is like the perfect counter to Kimimaro - so much blood to choose from, doesn't even need to attack.

It's like the exact opposite of Hidan vs Sasori.

For as much as I really detest Trump, I'm not 100% sure he's even in the bottom 2.

People really forget that we've had some bad ones.

Someone has a lot of confidence in how their peers follow the laws

STEAM 🖥️ :

Communists and traitors to democracy!

Obito's plan involved him planning things.

Ya got me! Can't beat that argument.

Does Hashirama have Hashirama cells?

I think "pulling a fast one" is kinda the opposite of a great strategist.

I didn't think it was Obito's plan from the beginning, but rather an opportunistic seizure of power given the circumstances.

Looking for a step dad but not willing to be a step mom?

I'm sure she's a catch

Every character is a plot device, that's how stories work. That doesn't mean that Orochimaru wasn't a character that had a good buildup only to be abandoned later.

This looks really good! Definitely following.

As far as my favorite environment, it depends on the game. But I like the idea of the helipad in the mountains with snow.

I think a jungle map with swampy areas is always a fun map.